

词汇 permanent residents
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permanent resident───永久性居民

permanent residence───长期居留

permanent presses───n.免烫

permanent reminder───永久提醒

permanent sets───永久变形;最后凝结;固定装置

permanent accounts───[会计]永久性账户;[会计]永久帐户

permanent basis───平时编制

permanent magnets───永磁体

permanent press───n.免烫


They were allowed to stay in Australia and are now permanent residents.───他们已经获准在澳大利亚定居,成为永久居民了.

Area resident population of 1493,427 permanent residents.───辖区常住人口1493人,常住户427户.

Note: This table is based upon average number of permanent residents.───注: 本表人均生活用能源按常住人口年平均数计算.

The HKSAR's executive authorities and legislature shall be composed of permanent residents of Hong Kong.───香港特别行政区的行政机关和立法机关由香港永久性居民组成.

Objective To study the characteristics of psychiatric expert testimony cases of temporary and permanent residents.───目的研究广州本地及外来人口精神司法鉴定案例特点.

S. citizens and permanent residents to petition for certain relatives to come and live permanently in the United States.───美国为了促进家庭团结,允许美国公民、永久居民请一些亲属到美国长期生活。

There are five million permanent residents in the city.───这个城市有五百万常住居民.

Hong Kong permanent residents can open retail shops anywhere in the mainland.───香港永久居民可以在内地任何地方经营个体户.

Average Number of Permanent Residents per Household ( person )───平均每户常住人口 ( 人 )

Number of Permanent Residents in the Households Surveyed ( person )───调查户常住人口 ( 人 )

Personal membership applicants must be Hong Kong permanent residents over 18 years of age.───申请个人会籍,必须为年满十八岁或以上之香港永久居民.

Non - Hong Kong permanent residents are required to submit a copy of their overseas passports.───如客户并非香港永久居民,请提交海外护照副本.

Every year, tourists to the state outnumber its permanent residents 40 to one.───每年, 来此地的游客人数与当地人口的比例竟达40∶1.

Most likely is that they will either eventually be given amnesty, and hence citizenship, or they will become permanent residents without citizenship, but with many of the rights of citizens.───而最可能的是,他们要不最终获得特赦因此获得国籍,要不变成没有国籍的永久居民但拥有许多公民权利。

number of new permanent residents accepted every year has held steady since 1990, at 0.7-0.8% of the population.───以来,每年新加入的永久居民人数都保持在稳定水平,占总人口的0.7-0.8%。

I refer specifically to permanent residents, in contradistinction to temporary visitors.───我是专指永久居民而言, 以别于临时访客.


They also made it more difficult for temporary residents or visitors to become permanent residents.

The HKSAR's executive authorities and legislature shall be composed of permanent residents of Hong Kong.

EFF reports, "Much of the reported improper activity consisted of intelligence gathering on so-called U.S. Persons, including citizens, permanent residents and U.S.-based organizations.

The median age of the 28, 000-plus permanent residents is a vigorous 44.

I refer specifically to permanent residents, in contradistinction to temporary visitors.

Though legal, recent events raise legitimate questions about the wisdom of accepting donations from permanent residents who can not vote.

Q.. What does it take for permanent residents to become a citizens, and how long do they have to wait?

About one hundred sixty thousand people became permanent residents this way in two thousand six.

  • permanent teeth
  • permanent press
  • permanent jobs
  • permanent resident card
  • permanent resident address
  • permanent press cycle
  • permanent settlementes
  • permanent member




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