

词汇 pass over
释义 pass over
pass over发音


置之不理,忽视; 去世; 迈过去; 躐


passed over───越过;忽略;宽恕;回避

passes over───越过;忽略;宽恕;回避

grass over───草覆盖

ask over───请(某人)来自己家

asks over───请(某人)来自己家

lays over───覆盖;胜过,压倒

puts over───推迟;驶过;使被接受

passing over───越过;忽略;宽恕;回避

to pass over───越过


They chose to pass over her rude remarks.───他们决定不计较她的粗鲁言辞。

a straw,"I will lay myself across, and you may pass over upon me."───一根稻草说:“我会躺下,你可以从我身上过去。”

The boss decided to pass over his slight mistakes.───老板决定原谅他的小错.

Let us pass over his rude remarks in silence.───对他粗暴无礼的话我们不去理会算了.

A slight disturbance will be sufficient to make it pass over into instability.───细微的波动便足以使它变成不稳定.

We shall do well to pass over its sharp crests at a good height from them.───我们顶好绕过那些相当高的尖峰.

How could you pass over such an important matter?───你怎么能忽略如此重要的事情?

You'd better pass over his rude remarks in silence.───你最好还是不要理睬他那些无礼的言话.

To his surprise he saw a look of anger pass over Ginny's face.───使他惊奇的是他发现琪妮的脸上现出了怒色.

To pass over or through ( an area or a region ).───绵亘,延伸通过或穿过 ( 某个地区或区域 )

Observe how they pass over fallen twigs without making the slightest noise.───观察它们是如何从掉落的树枝上走过而不发出任何声音的。

Sex is a subject he prefers to pass over, eg because it embarrasses him.───关于性这一问题他尽量回避(如因使他尴尬).

The new highway will pass over the road beside our village.───这条新建的高速公路将穿过我们村旁的小路.

The next morning enemy planes pass over - head.───次日清晨,敌机从他们头顶上空掠过.

I cannot pass over the matter unnoticed.───我不能对这事置之不理.

We may as well pass over the details.───细节我们不妨略而不谈.

We mustn't pass over his mistakes.───对他的错误不能迁就.

We should not pass over this disgraceful affair in silence.───我们不应对这件可耻的事保持缄默.

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