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词汇 passenger cars
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passenger car───客车;[车辆]轿车;小客车

passenger cells───过客白细胞

passenger coach───客运车;乘客车厢

passenger doors───[交]乘客门;客舱门

passenger seats───乘客座,旅客席

passenger cell───过客白细胞

passenger jets───客机

passenger coaches───客运车;乘客车厢

passenger trains───[铁路]客运列车,旅客列车;客车


It also is the first foray into passenger cars by Sichuan Tengzhong.───这也是四川腾中重工首次涉足汽车行业。

They uncoupled the passenger cars from the train engine.───他们让乘客车厢与火车头脱离开。

Those kinds of vehicles are more likely to roll over than passenger cars.───那些种类的车辆比客车更容易翻筋斗。

Lamps were already beginning to shine out, with passenger cars all about and the train moving at a snail's pace.───灯火已经亮了起来,到处都有客车,火车在慢慢地行动。

For perspective, think back just a few decades when China was dubbed the "bicycle kingdom" with passenger cars a rarity.───至于其发展前景,回顾一下历史就知道了——就在几十年前,中国还被戏谑为“自行车王国”,轿车还是稀罕物。

Just as the prophet said at the beginning of the year, it is no suspense that China's passenger cars growth can increase constantly in 2008.───正像年初很多预言家所占卜的那样,2008年,中国客车行业几乎会毫无悬念地继续增长。

Anesthetic gasses contribute as much to global warming each year as a million passenger cars or one coal-fired power plant.───麻醉气体每年对全球暖化的贡献跟一百万辆轿车或者一个燃煤发电厂的效力一样。

In an official statement, GAZ said it would be responsible for manufacturing Opel passenger cars at its Nizhny Novgorod plant.───在一份正式声明中,嘎斯表示,将负责生产欧宝轿车在其下诺夫哥罗德植物。

As factories in the U. S. are downsized and closed, Reilly says that he would see China "becoming a significant exporter" of passenger cars.───随着美国工厂的缩减规模或关闭,雷利称中国会成为客车“重要的出口国”。


Taxes on commercial vehicles are also lower than on passenger cars, he said.

Lighttruck sales powered the increase, rising 7. 7 %, while sales of passenger cars dropped 1. 4 %.

The multi-body kinematics model of air suspension-steering system for some kind of great passenger cars was established using Virtual Prototyping Technique in the software ADAMS.

The noise propagation ways and noise abatment measures by the floor in passenger cars are described.

Railway construction, passenger cars, insurance, hotels, ports, railway transportation industry has been over possible revenue opportunities.

Background: Arizona law limited train lengths to fourteen passenger cars or seventy freight cars in the asserted interests of safety.

The preparation principle, production technology, performance test and coating test of the unsaturated polyester putty for railway passenger cars are described.

All passenger cars must withstand the standard 363 tonne buffing load without deforming.

Two passenger cars were set on fire outside the hotel.

  • passenger airplane pilot
  • passenger aircraft
  • passenger terminals
  • passenger list
  • passenger door
  • passenger cars




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