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词汇 or so
释义 or so
or so发音


大约; 左右; 把


or no───…与否

more so───更是这样,尤其如此

how so───为何如此?

or not───或不

for show───为了炫耀;为了引人注意




Britons'understanding of the risks has gradually worsened over the past decade or so.───在过去的大约十年里,英国人对HIV感染风险的认知已在逐渐减少.

Many of the 100,000 or so families who lost their homes in the earthquake have still not been rehoused.───有10万户左右的家庭在地震中失去了家园,其中许多家庭还没有得到安置。

Matt got me a room there for a week or so when I first came here.───我初次来到这里的时候,马特找了个房间让我住了大约一个星期。

It'll take about three weeks, give or take a day or so.───这要花大约三周时间,出入不过一天左右。

I would put her age at about 50 or so.───我认为她的年龄在50岁上下。

Usually when we're six months or so into a recovery, confidence begins to build.───通常我们在恢复约6个月后信心开始建立。

They felt that, at 69 or so, Mr Peters was past his prime.───他们觉得69岁左右的彼得斯先生已经风光不再了。

We felt a little constraint with the new teacher for the first day or so.───在开头一两天,我们对新教师感到有点拘束.

war had ended only a month or so before.───战争大约在一个月前才结束。

Why don't you walk the dog round for half an hour or so? I t'll give you some exercise, and probably calm you.───你怎么不带着狗儿去遛半小时左右 呢 ?这可以使你锻炼一下身体, 或许会使你平静下来.

In a day or so he will be as good as new.───他大概一天工夫就会恢复过来。

There were a hundred or so hotels in the vicinity of the station.───在车站附近有大约一百家左右的旅馆。

Completion of this bridge is expected in a year or so.───这座桥一年半载可望竣工.

There was nothing more he wanted, or so he thought.───他再无所求,或者说他是这么想的。

We will have to wait a week or so before we know whether the operation is a success.───我们还得等一周左右才能知道手术是否成功。

It was only an hour or so later that I discovered that my gun was missing.───仅仅约一个小时之后,我发现我的枪不见了。

Some seed varieties germinate fast, so check every day or so.───有一些种子发芽快,所以差不多每天得察看一下。

We seemed to manage okay for the first year or so after David was born.───戴维出生后的头一两年,我们似乎还能对付。

The 100 or so flats subdivided into cage homes are estimated to accommodate 5,000 people.───据估计,目前约有100座细分为笼屋的公寓,住着5000人.

The driver usually spends four hours or so helping to load and prepare his lorry.───司机通常花4小时左右的时间帮忙装货和打理货车。

The war had ended only a month or so before.───战争大约一个月前才刚刚结束。

She reeled off the titles of a dozen or so of the novels.───她脱口说出十几本小说的书名。

We just sat and talked for half an hour or so.───我们只是坐了一会,聊了大约半小时.

Every minute or so I could hear a snap, a crack and a crash as another tree went down.───每隔大约一分钟,我就会听见又一棵树咔嚓一声折断、哗啦一下倒地的声音。

I have seen him walking down to the shops a mile or so away.───我看见他朝大约一英里以外的商店走去了。

Very little was done to progress the case in the first 10 or so months after K was charged.───在K被指控后最初的10个月左右,这个案子进展缓慢。

We stayed for an hour or so.───我们停留了一小时左右.

He will return in a week or so.───他在一星期左右以后回来.

Though rates are heading down, they still offer real returns of 8% or so.───尽管利率在下降,它们仍然能提供8%左右的实际收益率。

He did buy me those daffodils a week or so ago.───他确实在大约一个星期前给我买了那些水仙花。

Great clouds of black smoke were rising for several hundred feet or so.───大片的黑色烟云升至大约几百英尺的空中。

Dunk new plants in a bucket of water for an hour or so before planting.───栽种新植物之前将它们在水桶中浸泡一小时左右。


She reeled off the titles of a dozen or so of the novels.

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  • originating from
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  • orange-colored bread
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  • oratory speech
  • or state
  • ornamental column




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