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词汇 mucking around
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fucking around───吊儿郎当;戏弄

kicking around───粗暴而轻率地对待;从各个角度考虑;流浪

knocking around───闲逛

mooching around───闲逛

sticking around───v.逗留;在附近徘徊

asking around───到处打听

bumming around───闲荡;游手好闲

jerking around───耍弄某人

larking around───到处乱逛


Either way, you don't always want them all mucking around with the whole spreadsheet and you're tired of telling those new to Google Docs that they don't need to switch to Gmail just to use Docs huh?───无论采用哪种方式,你并不总是希望他们在一整张共享电子表格上费力折腾,并且您已经厌倦去告诉那些没用过google文件的人,他们并不需要换成Gmail邮箱来使用google文件啊?

These people are mucking around.───这些人都是在这里瞎玩着。

Who's mucking around with my radio?───谁在摆弄我的收音机呀?

Those were the good old days. Now I'm a fully grown adult with a full-time job which, unfortunately, doesn't involve mucking around all day.───现在我已经是个有工作的成年人了,遗憾的是我很难有一整天玩的时间。

"Lazy rich kids who had been mucking around, and coming up to exam time realised they needed help" , is how one tutor describes his pupils.───一个家教老师这样评价他的学生“他们就是些懒散的富家子弟,平时游手好闲,考试之前才找来老师临时抱佛脚”。

It's mucking around with the heart and lungs of the planet - that's essentially what the oceans are, a huge respiratory system.───这是在搞糟地球的心脏和肺-本质上海洋就是一个巨大的呼吸系统。

With this I can tell if people are mucking around or not.───有了这个,我就可以知道人们是不是在混日子。

The square was full of people mucking around .───广场上尽是些闲逛的人。

If you're mucking around too much in the lives of kids who are just experiencing normal social pain, you shouldn't be.───如果你积累了太多孩子社交的痛苦,那么你就应该停止。


We do not want people of his age mucking around risking people's lives.

Some of the boys were mucking around on bikes in the middle of the road.

I'd been mucking around and none of my mates like that.

Not all managers want their employees mucking around with decisions.





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