magic spell───神奇的咒语;魔咒
magic wand───魔杖,魔术棒
magic bullet───魔弹
magic eye───n.电眼;电子射线管;调谐指示器
magic spells───神奇的咒语;魔咒
The next day, like magic, all of these things were given to him. However, the second man still had nothing.───隔天,他所祈求的东西就像变魔术一样全都出现了,而另一个人还是什么都没有。
She felt that his Magic was working all the afternoon and making Colin look like an entirely different boy.───她觉得,他的魔法整个下午都在起作用,使科林看起来像一个完全不同的男孩。
It seemed that our nursery rhymes must have had some magic because all the nights I sang them for my daughter, she would listen to them with keen pleasure.───我们的童谣似乎有某种魔力,因为我每天晚上都为女儿唱童谣,她听了都会非常高兴。
if you believe in yourself and with a tiny pinch of magic, all your dreams can come true . -- sponge bob ?───如果你相信自己,然后再加上一点点运气,那你所以梦想就都能实现。-海绵宝宝
Seven Xorlarrin wizards were masters in the Sorcere, the school of magic; all seven sat uneasily on the luxurious chairs provided them.───七位泽里斯家的巫师是魔法学校的魔法大师:七个人惶恐不安的坐在特意为他们准备的豪华座椅上。
I felt the magic all in the air───我感觉这空气充满了魔力
Like a holiday camp it was, endless teas and lectures and displays of magic all afternoon.
Elmer squirts Magic all over with a hose and scrapes the water off with a curved wand.
- magic all
- magical story
- magic melody
- magic tricks
- magic travel
- magic words
- magic forest
- magic cure
- magic wand
- magical effect
- magic leap one
- magic box
- magic piano
- magic studio
- magic player
- magic tree house
- magic panel
- magic queen
- magic cage
- magic shop
- magic hand