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词汇 lawn tennis
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table tennis───乒乓球;桌球


deck tennis───甲板网球

law terms───n.法律用语

real tennis───n.庭院网球,室内网球

paddle tennis───板网球

squash tennis───壁球

platform tennis───跳台网球

court tennis───n.室内网球


The same year also published a "lawn tennis" as the brochure, such publicity and promotion activities.───同年还出版了一本以《草地网球》为题的小册子,对这种活动进行宣传和推广。

The Lawn Tennis Association suspended Mr Castle from the British team.───草地网球协会暂停了卡斯尔先生在英国队的职务。

International Lawn Tennis Federation.───国际草地网球联合会.

In summer, lawn tennis comes next in importance to cricket.───在夏天, 草地网球的重要性仅次于板球.

Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships.───温布尔顿草地网球锦标赛.

And in 1968 the international lawn tennis Federation gave in to the demand.───1968年,国际草地网球联合会对这一要求作出了让步.

Lawn tennis is of English invention.───草地网球是英国人发明的.

I can not honestly say I am entirely interested in lawn tennis.───说实在的,我对草地网球不太感兴趣.

In the summer, lawn tennis probably comes next in importance to cricket.───在夏季, 草地网球可能是仅次于板球的体育活动.

Descending , along with lawn tennis and badminton, from the ancient medieval game of tennis.───与草坪网球和羽毛球一起来自古老的中世纪网球运动.

It is a relatively new sport; a lot younger than lawn tennis but slightly older than basketball.───它是一项相对较新的运动;比草地网球要晚很多,但又比篮球要稍微早一点。


The Lawn Tennis Association suspended Mr Castle from the British team.

International Lawn Tennis Federation.

Without glasses she couldn't even begin to play lawn tennis or aim a rifle.

In summer, lawn tennis comes next in importance to cricket.

In the summer, lawn tennis probably comes next in importance to cricket.

And in 1968 the international lawn tennis Federation gave in to the demand.

Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships.

Lawn tennis, to give the sport its full title, developed from real tennis, an indoor game that dates back to twelfth or thirteenth-century France, when balls were hit with the palm of the hand.

Lawn tennis is of English invention.

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