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词汇 welfare
释义 welfareUK:*/ˈwɛlfɛər/US:/ˈwɛlˌfɛr/ ,(wel′fâr′)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 welfare n (well-being)福利;安宁;幸福I'm worried about the welfare of the children.我对孩子的幸福感到忧虑。 welfare n (government benefits)福利救济;福利;福利金He lived on welfare for many years.他靠福利救济生活了很多年。 welfare n (happiness)幸福;快乐I'm concerned for your welfare and don't like to see you unhappy.我很在意你的幸福,不愿意见到你不开心的样子。 其他翻译 welfare n (health)健康I'm worried about his physical welfare because he looks ill.因为他看起来气色不太好,所以我很担心他的身体健康。 复合形式: child welfare n (services: protect children)儿童福利Foster parents are an important part of the child welfare system. on welfare adj (claiming government benefits)靠救济度日的;接受政府福利的;靠福利救济的She was on welfare until she could get back on her feet. on welfare adv (on government benefits)接受政府救济地;靠福利救济地;靠救济生活地Life is not easy for people who live on welfare. social welfare n (system of pensions and benefits)社会福利 welfare program (US), welfare scheme (UK) n (government benefits scheme)福利计划Social Security is a US government welfare program for the elderly. welfare state n (nation with social welfare programme)福利国家Britain's welfare state was created in the wake of the Second World War. welfare work n (social services)福利事业 welfare worker n ([sb] who does social or community work)从事福利事业的工作者;福利工作者Some welfare workers visit elderly people who live by themselves.




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