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词汇 p
释义 pUK:*'P', 'p': /ˈpiː/US:'P', 'p': /pi/ ,'P', 'p': (pē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 p, P n (16th letter of alphabet)字母表第16个字母How many Ps are there in the past tense of "worship"? p, plural: pence n UK, invariable, abbreviation (penny) (英国)便士I can remember when a bag of crisps cost no more than 5p. p, p., pg, pg., plural: pp n written, abbreviation (page)页;页码See the table on p7 for an explanation. 复合形式:p | p. ASAP, A.S.A.P., asap, a.s.a.p. adv acronym (as soon as possible)尽快;越快越好备注: Most commonly used in American English as an acronym, and in British English as an initialismPlease send your reply to the following address ASAP. BP, B.P., bp, b.p. n initialism (finance: basis point) (金融)基点 BP, B.P., bp, b.p. n initialism (business: bills payable) (商业)应付票据 bp, b.p. n initialism (chemistry: boiling point) (化学)沸点 BP, B.P., bp, b.p. adj initialism (alcohol: below proof) (酒精)不合格的,低于标准酒精度的 fps, f.p.s. n abbreviation, usually plural (foot per second)英尺/秒 fps, f.p.s. n abbreviation, usually plural (film: frame per second) (电影)帧/秒 h.p., hp, HP n initialism (horsepower)马力 HP, H.P., hp, h.p. adj initialism (high-pressure)高压 mind your p's and q's v expr informal (show good manners)谨言惧行 p's and q's (manners, behavior)得体的举止;礼貌的行为 PA, p.a. adv written, initialism (per annum) (缩略词)每年Bob earns £78,000 PA. pj's, p.j.'s, P.J.'s n informal, abbreviation (pajamas, pyjamas)睡衣 p.m., pm, P.M., PM adv initialism (post meridiem: in the afternoon)下午,午后I'll pick you up at 4 p.m. p.m., pm, P.M., PM adv initialism (post meridiem: in the evening)下午I like to be in bed by 9.30 PM. postmeridian, pm, p.m. adj (afternoon or evening)下午adj;午后 ppr, n written, abbreviation (present participle)现在分词 pt, p.t. adj initialism (pro tempore)暂时的;当时的 pt, p.t. n initialism (past tense)过去时态;过去时 this p.m., this pm, this P.M., this PM adv informal (this afternoon)今天下午Let's take a walk in the park this p.m. this p.m., this pm, this P.M., this PM adv informal (this evening)今天晚上I'll meet you at the bar this p.m. VP, V.P., V. Pres., vp, v-p n initialism (vice president)副总统;副主席;副总裁 VP, vp, v.p. n written, initialism (grammar: verb phrase)动词短语;动词词组 wpm, w.p.m. npl written, abbreviation (typing speed: words per minute) (打字)每分钟字数




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