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词汇 mess
释义 messUK:*/ˈmɛs/US:/mɛs/ ,(mes)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: See also: mess hall主要翻译 mess n (dirty condition)乱糟糟的东西,脏乱的一团; (英国用法中,常作in a mess)脏乱的状态,乱糟糟的状态Most of the house was spotless, but the bathroom was a mess.房屋的大部分地方都一尘不染,但浴室很脏。 a mess (of [sth]) n (disorder)混乱;乱七八糟His desk was a mess of papers and books.他的书桌乱七八糟地铺满了纸张和书籍。 mess n (jumble)杂乱;凌乱Look at the mess on your desk!瞧瞧你那杂乱的桌子! mess n figurative (disorder)混乱;一团糟This project is a mess. It is going to take me days to fix it.这个项目简直一团糟,我得花好几天的时间才能弄好。 mess n figurative (difficult situation)困境;困难的局面The most famous line from Laurel and Hardy is, "That's another fine mess you've got me into!"拉瑞尔与哈迪最出名的话是:“你又让我陷入困境了,真不错!” 其他翻译 a mess n informal, figurative ([sb]: emotional, confused)心理状态不佳的人;感情状态糟糕的人He was such a mess after his wife died. mess, dog mess n informal (dog, etc.: faeces) (动物的)粪便,排泄物Puppies are cute, but if you want one, you have to be prepared to clean up mess sometimes.小狗很可爱,不过如果你想养一只的话,那就得做好时不时要清理粪便的准备。 mess [sth] vtr US, informal (soil) (非正式用语)弄脏;使肮脏You didn't mess your diaper did you? 动词短语mess | mess hall mess around, also UK: mess about vi phrasal informal (be frivolous)磨磨蹭蹭做些琐碎的事,东拉西扯一些有的没的Stop messing around and let's discuss this seriously.不要再东拉西扯了,让我们严肃认真地讨论这件事。 mess around, also UK: mess about vi phrasal informal (be unproductive)磨洋工;混时间;倒腾My husband is messing around in the garage - I've no idea what he's doing in there.我丈夫正在车库里倒腾,不知道他到底在干嘛。 mess around with [sth], also UK: mess about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (tamper, play with)摆弄;玩弄He enjoyed messing around with boats.他喜欢摆弄船只。 mess around with [sth], also UK: mess about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (spoil by fussing)瞎摆弄;瞎玩弄Your painting is fine now; don't mess around with it any more or you will ruin it.你的画已经完工了,别瞎摆弄了,否则你会毁了它的。 mess around with [sb], also UK: mess about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (tease)戏弄;与…开玩笑Why are you so upset? We were just messing around with you.别这么难过。我们刚刚跟你开玩笑呢。 mess around with [sb], also UK: mess about with [sb] vi phrasal + prep slang (have an affair)与…鬼混;与…胡搞Helen caught her husband messing around with another woman.海伦抓到丈夫与别的女人鬼混。 mess [sb] around, also UK: mess [sb] about vtr phrasal insep slang (treat disrespectfully)为...带来不便;怠慢I'm sorry to mess you around, but I need to change the date of our meeting.很抱歉为您带来不便,不过我必须变更我们会议的日期。 mess [sth] up, mess up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (make untidy)弄乱The wind messed up the neat piles of papers, scattering them all over the room.风把整齐堆叠的文件吹乱了,在房间里散落一地。 mess [sth] up, mess up [sth] vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (spoil, botch)把...搞砸,把...弄糟This is important, so try not to mess it up.这件事很重要,所以尽量不要搞砸。 mess up vi phrasal figurative, slang (make serious mistake)搞砸,弄糟This is your last chance, so don't mess up!这是你最后的机会,别搞砸了! mess [sb] up, mess up [sb] vtr phrasal sep figurative, slang (cause emotional problems)使…的情绪出问题The death of Charlotte's boyfriend really messed her up.男友的死使夏洛特的情绪大出问题。 mess with [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (anger) (俚语)招惹Don't mess with Stan because he'll smash your face in.不要招惹斯坦,他会生气的。 mess with [sb] vtr phrasal insep slang (tease)戏弄;与…开玩笑It's just so much fun to mess with him!戏弄他太好玩了! mess with [sth] vtr phrasal insep slang (meddle with)干涉;干预I'm sick of you messing with things that don't concern you!我讨厌你把那些与你无关的事情弄得一团糟! 复合形式:mess | mess hall a bit of a mess n UK, informal (chaotic)有点混乱His love life's a bit of a mess. a bit of a mess n informal (difficult situation)有点糟糕,有点艰难To say that the economy is in a bit of a mess is putting it mildly. a bit of a mess n informal (place: untidy)有点杂乱,不整洁My house is a bit of a mess, but please come in. a fine mess n informal (situation: awkward) (非正式用语)一团糟,一团乱麻The lies we told got us into a fine mess when everyone found out the truth.Now you've done it! Look at the fine mess you've gotten us into.当所有人都得知真相后,我们之前的谎言让我们陷入了困境。现在你做到了!看看你给我们带来的麻烦。 a mess of pottage n figurative (paltry sum)蝇头小利;眼前小利 bloody mess n (scene: gory)血淋淋的场面,血腥的场面The body had been horrifically mutilated; it was a bloody mess.那具尸体严重伤残,极其恐怖,非常残忍。 bloody mess n UK, slang, potentially offensive (job: incompetent) (工作等)干得乱七八糟You've made a bloody mess of the whole situation.你把整体状况搞了乱七八糟。 bloody mess n UK, slang, potentially offensive (place: untidy)邋遢的场所,不整洁的地方This place is a bloody mess! It hasn't been tidied in weeks.这个地方太脏了!几周没收拾了。 bloody mess n UK, slang, potentially offensive (disorder)一片混乱,一片狼藉The cataloguing system was a bloody mess, you couldn't find anything. have your hair in a mess v expr (be dishevelled)头发一团糟;头发蓬乱Sarah's clothes were covered in mud and she had her hair in a mess.萨拉的衣服上全是泥,头发也是乱糟糟的。 in a mess adj (untidy, disordered)凌乱的;一团糟的My son's bedroom is in a mess. in a mess adv informal (in a difficult situation) (非正式用语)陷入困境的, 处于窘境的The World economy is in a mess. make a mess v expr (create disorder or dirt)弄得一团糟You can have your mates round for the evening so long as you promise not to make a mess.The kids have been making chocolate cake and they've made a mess with the batter in the kitchen. make a mess of [sth] v expr (make [sth] disordered or dirty)搞脏;弄乱Don't make a mess of my nice clean living room. make a mess of [sth] v expr (get [sth] wrong)搞砸;搞坏The new guy has made a mess of this project; I'm going to have to redo it all. mess kit n (military: cooking utensils)野营餐具The troops were standing in line with their mess kits, waiting to eat. mess tin n (military: metal dish)军用饭盒 mess up [sb]'s hair, mess [sb]'s hair up v expr informal (make [sb]'s hair untidy)弄乱某人的头发Don't mess up my hair - I've only just come from the hairdressers! mess with [sth] vi + prep (tamper)摆弄;瞎弄Don't mess with those papers – I've just put them in order.别弄乱那些文件,我刚刚把它们整理好了。 mess with [sth] vi + prep informal (become involved with)接触;染上When he started messing with drugs, everything went downhill.当他开始沾染毒品,一切都变得糟糕。 mess-up n informal (mistake, blunder)混乱;一团糟There was a mess-up with our hotel booking and we had to find somewhere else to stay.




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