hanging plant───悬挂装置
hanging pawns───吊卒
hanging posts───吊杆
heating plants───供热装置
packing plants───食品罐头厂
batching plants───分批配料装置;混凝土混和机;配料工厂
bedding plants───花坛植物
hanging lies───斜坡球
hanging onto───依附;继续保留;紧紧抓住
Hanging plants in heavy POTS that could swing free of hooks.───悬挂在高处较重的盆载植物,有可能脱钩坠落。
This has been illustrated with the lawn green carpets running throughout the stairwell, hanging plants, an aquarium and naturally lit rooms.───悬挂的较重盆栽植物可能脱钩坠落。
Try using these Ikea Asker pots ($6) for your hanging plants.───试试看用宜家蛇形吊篮(6美金)。
Ornamented the windows with hanging plants.───用垂挂植物来装饰窗户。
Hanging plants in heavy pots that could swing free of hooks.───悬挂在高处较重之盆载植物,有可能脱钩坠落。
I bought various sizes, textures and colors, ranging from four-inch pot size up to a 12-inch pot size, along with some hanging plants, too.───我买了许多尺寸,形状,颜色的植物,从4英寸壶的大小到12英寸壶的大小都有,还有一些吊盆。
Use Hanging Plants in Small Gardens───小庭园中垂吊花卉的应用
They decorated the place with hanging plants and printed fabrics stretched over wooden frames.
- hanging around
- hanging man
- hanging down
- hanging on
- hanging out with friends