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词汇 grudging respect
释义 grudging respect
grudging respect发音



gain respect───赢得尊敬

daunting prospect───可怕的前景

enticing prospect───诱人的前景

exciting prospect───令人兴奋的前景

bridging shot───衔接镜头

command respect───使人敬仰;令人肃然起敬

crucial aspect───关键方面

damaging effect───损伤效应



If Mr Assad's hard line at home has earned grudging respect, so has his firmness in foreign relations.───如果巴沙尔的强硬路线在国内获得了不大情愿的尊重,那么他在外交关系上的也会如此。

Being poor white they were not even accorded the grudging respect that Angus Macintosh's dour independence wrung from neighboring families.───他们是穷白人,甚至还不如安格斯·麦金托什,因为后者总算还能以倔强的独立性争取到邻居们勉强的尊敬。

He even earned his opponents' grudging respect.───他甚至令对手也不得不尊重他。

Certainly, after a while in Washington I began to develop a grudging respect for my neighbours at the Tribune.───确实,在华盛顿待了一段时间后,我开始勉强对《芝加哥论坛报》产生了一些敬意。

By the end of his premiership, Blair wrote of Murdoch in his memoirs that he "came to have a grudging respect and even a liking for him" .───等到首相任期行将届满时,布莱尔在其回忆录中提到默多克时称他“已经开始有点尊敬甚至于喜欢上他了”。

Eventually there was a grudging respect built on the acknowledgement of mutual greatness, most notably between Magic Johnson and Larry Bird.───最终大家在承认彼此伟大的基础上建立了略带勉强的尊敬,特别是魔术师约翰逊和拉里·伯德。

If it doesn't it may continue to gain strength and a grudging respect.───如果中国不这么做,它可以继续增强自己的实力和勉强获得的尊重。

But he still had unlimited money in his family, as well as a genuine integrity that had earned him grudging respect from the voters.───但是他们家族财雄势大,而且他的诚挚正直也使他赢得了选民勉强的尊重。

Legal campaigners are waging an information-gathering effort that earns the grudging respect of intelligence operatives.───法律界的活跃人士正在进行一场收集信息的努力,这一行动获得了情报人员勉强的尊重。


Initially this was scoffed at as farfetched conjecture, but gradually it has received grudging respect and empirical support.

So there is the basis for a bit of grudging respect.

He even earned his opponents' grudging respect.

Being poor white, they were not even accorded the" grudging respect that Angus Macintosh's dour independence wrung from neighboring families."

He looked at Nick with grudging respect.

But Carrick has now gained an age where young lads metaphorically doff their caps and older spectators offer grudging respect.

His defiance of Uncle Sam has even earned him a grudging respect.

She won the grudging respect of her boss.

He felt a grudging respect for her talents as an organizer.





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