

词汇 grinding stone
释义 grinding stone
grinding stone发音



grinding on───坚定地、无情地向前移动

ringing tone───n.(英)电话的振铃声

standing stone───孤赏石

standing stones───立石

grinding down───折磨;磨损

grinding in───磨合;磨配

grinding out───磨去;磨孔


Knife unpleasant, grinding stone. People do not, there are places.───刀不快,石上磨。人不会,世上学。

There was a wok, a grinding stone, and a huge mortar and pestle, so those are what I left with, and I have all of them, and I use my mortar and pestle to this day.───有个锅、研磨石,还有研钵跟舂杵。 这些就是我离开家时的所有,现在我还保留着,这研钵跟舂杵还在天天使用。

Smelting in the hard, knives in the grinding stone.───人在苦中炼, 刀在石上磨.

Do not use a grinding stone feet, the kind of approach can only remove dead skin, but more and more.───不要用磨脚石了,那种方法只能去除死皮,反倒愈来愈多。

The tomb near a stream, were Ma Hang, Legend has it for Chan Yin Ma, the foothills of a grinding stone sword.───墓的附近有一溪涧,名马坑,相传为陈氏饮马处,山麓有磨剑石。

It expatiated suction way of medication fluids from ampoules, disinfection of grinding stone .───安瓿内药液抽吸方式;砂轮消毒问题;

Ink that time makes up into the small round piece only, can only be intimidating a lap with to grinding stone on inkstone.───当时的墨只做成小圆块,只能用研石在砚台上压着研磨。

When should a grinding stone be changed ?───什么时候需要更换模石?


This article recommends a special repair, grinding stone device to increase centering precision for the scroll chuck.

  • grinding stone
  • grinding all my life
  • grinding games
  • grinding stones




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