

词汇 great powers
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great power───n.强国

Great Powers───大国;列强

gray powers───灰色力量


green powers───n.金钱的力量

grey powers───银发力量(指老年人的政治影响、经济影响)

great primers───n.大普赖默体

gay powers───同性恋权力

green power───n.金钱的力量


great powers promised them an independent state.───列强们曾答应让他们成为一个独立国家。

Even the great powers are now interlinked.───现在,即便是大国之间也是紧密连在一起。

She has great powers of persuasion.───她的游说能力极强。


The speaker had great powers of utterance.

She has great powers of concentration for a child her age.

Fifthly, the periodic meetings of Great Powers which together acted as self-appointed guarantors of international law and order.

She has great powers of persuasion.

Nor did it necessarily require the Great Powers to act as the guarantors of the regime established.

Individual proprietorship was to show great powers of survival and was even to spread further before 1939.

The minions of the four Great Powers ride forth, clad in black and bronze.

In 1920 the great powers promised them an independent state.

She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb.

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  • greatest talkers are always
  • greatest hits
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  • great mere
  • great-grandfather spelling
  • great outdoors
  • great star
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  • greater demons osrs




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