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词汇 have got
释义 have got 主要翻译 have got v expr informal (have, possess)拥有James has got a great record collection.You've got a lot of nerve, talking to me that way!詹姆斯收集了很棒的唱片。//你很有胆子嘛,敢和我那样说话!usage: form and basic usesHave got is often used in conversation and in less formal writing with the same meaning as have. I have got three children.You have got a problem.Have got, has got, and had got are not usually pronounced in full. When you write down what someone says, you usually write 've got, 's got, or 'd got.I've got her address.He's got a beard now.They'd got a special grant from the Institute. Have got is not used in formal written English, and is less common in American English than British English. The -ed participle for all the meanings below is got (not gotten) in both British and American English.You cannot use have got for all meanings of have. You use it when you are talking about a situation or state, but not when you are talking about an event or action. For example, you say ‘I’ve got a new car', but not ‘I’ve got a bath every morning'. Have got is usually used in the present tense. You don't usually use have got in future or past forms. Instead, you use have. Will you have time to eat before you go?I had a cold and couldn't decide whether to go to work. 复合形式: have got to do [sth] v expr (must)必须要…I have got to get out of this place.




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