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词汇 gone out
释义 gone out
gone out发音



done out───装饰(done是do的过去分词);布置(done是do的过去分词)

zone out───(使)变得浑然无觉;(使)变得头昏脑胀

gone about───v.着手做;四处走动;传开;从事

gouge out───凿槽;挖出

zoned out───(使)变得浑然无觉;(使)变得头昏脑胀

zones out───(使)变得浑然无觉;(使)变得头昏脑胀

come out───出现;出版;结果是

dine out───外出进餐

dole out───少量发放


That colour has gone out of fashion.───那种颜色已不时兴了。

fizz has gone out of the market.───市场已杳无生气。

invitations gone out yet?───请柬发出去了吗?

And the Lord made the heart of Pharaoh hard, and he went after the children of Israel: for the children of Israel had gone out without fear.───耶和华使埃及王法老的心刚硬、他就追赶以色列人、因为以色列人是昂然无惧的出埃及。

But He had gone out of His way to help the poor, the needy, the blind, the leper, the deaf, and the demon-possessed.───然而,祂却经常主动去帮助穷人、困苦的人、瞎子、痳疯病人、聋人和被污鬼附著的人。

She had gone out of his way to be helpful when his family arrived here.───请问这句英语应该怎样翻译当他的家人到这儿的时候,他难得帮助他们。

Michael would have given him a cold smile and gone out of the house, not to be seen for months.───迈克尔会给他一个冷笑,并且走出房子,几个月不被看到。

If i didn't look like this, would you have gone out with me?───女:如果我不是我现在这个样子,你会不会喜欢我?

I'm glad to have done it and gone out on such a high note and now be moving on as we all are.───我很高兴曾经成为它的一份子并在如此辉煌的时刻走出来,现在正如我们中的所有人一样,我将继续走下去。


The book has gone out of print.

That colour has gone out of fashion.

The gang have gone out looking for bother.

The ball had gone out of play.

I've never gone out of my way to propitiate people.

Have the invitations gone out yet?

The fun had gone out of it.

The heat has gone out of the argument.

Fur coats have gone out of fashion.

  • gone into
  • goneness synonym
  • gone after
  • gone abroad
  • gone oubeds




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