total weight───总重量;设备总重
equal weight───同等权量;持股观望(股票评级,EuqalWeight)
gross weight───毛重,总重量
ideal weight───理想重量
legal weight───n.货物实重
bear weight───承受重量
body weight───[人类]体重
bow weight───弓力
dead weight───固定负载;静负载
Goal - The default goal weight for all vertices when no Vertex Group is assigned.───目标-没有顶点组被分配时,默认的目标权重是为所有的顶点。
That is, your goal weight on a weekly basis.───这就是你的目标重量每周。
I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.───肠胃炎,我就达成目标体重了。
Although buffets can be challenging if you're trying to lose weight, or maintain your goal weight, once in a while is probably OK.───如果你正在减肥或者想保持体重的话,那么自助餐可能会对你有点负担,但是偶尔一次还是可以的。
They get to their goal weight and seem to be cruising along until they begin to make some slight modifications.───他们达到目标体重并且得以保持,直到他们开始做出一些轻微的改变。
Felitti was baffled. Why, invariably, did so many patients quit just as they approached their healthy goal weight?───费利蒂医生十分不解,为什么这么多患者无一例外地在开始接近正常体重时纷纷退出?
The diets are organized around the idea that once you lose your goal weight, you can return to eating your normal diet.───这些节食办法都是围绕一种思想进行的,那就是一旦你达到了你的减肥目标,你就可以恢复到正常的饮食习惯了。
By continuing the healthy lifestyle habits you adopted, you can maintain your goal weight permanently.───只要能一直坚持习得的健康生活方式,你便能将理想体重保持一生。
In this phase, you also learn how to set a goal weight and how to develop long-term healthy-eating patterns.───在这期间,你也会学到如何设定目标体重,以及如何形成长久的健康进食习惯。
How many people who walk in the door reach their goal weight and keep it off?
It may take longer than 30 days to achieve your goal weight; it depends how much you need to lose.
Most of my clients quit well before reaching their goal weight.
When I reach my goal weight I am extremely proud of myself.
- goals of psychology
- goals definition
- goal setting
- goal oriented
- goals examples
- goal weight
- goals in life