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词汇 give notice
释义 give notice
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rave notice───狂欢通告

give sb notice───通知某人

to give notice───发出通知

rave notices───狂热的通知

serve notice───正式通知

give advice───劝告,忠告

take notice───注意

final notice───最后通知

prior notice───事先通知;预先通报


If so when must you give notice.───如果有,何时须通知对方?

The whistle blew to give notice that the boat was about to leave.───汽笛声响起是告知船即将启航.

The Company to give notice to enforce strict adherence to all terms of this Agreement.───本公司无须发出通知,严格执行本协议的所有条款.

I hereby give notice that the new regulations will come into force next week.───我事先警告你们,下星期将实行新规定.

many of the popular games and applications on Facebook, such as Farmville and Mafia Wars, do give notice that the game will access some personal information - and users play anyway.───如农场游戏和黑手党之战一样,很多Facebook上提供的游戏与应用程序确实给出提示,说明该程序会掌握用户个人信息,可很多人依旧玩的乐此不彼。

In this event, the Engineer give notice to the Contractor accordingly.───在这种情况下, 工程师应相应地通知承包商.

How do I give notice that my child will leave a class?───假如我的孩子将不再参加这个课程,如何通知你们?

To the extent possible he must give notice to the other party of his to sell.───在可能的范围内,他必须把出售货物的打算通知另一方当事人.

Both Sue and Jude together went to the office of the district to give notice.───淑和裘德两个一块儿到本地登记局去申请结婚.

If the notice period without objection, approved registration, the and give notice.───若公告期内无异议的, 予以核准注册,发商标注册证, 并予以公告.

The Seller shall give notice of any likely delay in delivery as soon as practicable.───若出现任何有可能延迟交付的情形,卖方应及时履行通知义务.

Do I have to give notice if I want to move?───如果我想搬出去需要提前通知你 吗 ?

You must give one month's notice.───你必须一个月前发出通知。

If you don't have a social network outside of your workplace, then you need to build one before you give notice, or else you'll wind up missing the water cooler fast.───如果老年员工在工作之外没有社交网络,应该在提出辞职之前搭建一个这样的体系,否则,可能很快就会怀念与同事相处的时光。

  • give a bill
  • give me a look
  • give a lecture
  • give back
  • gives us
  • given back
  • give protection from disease
  • gives rise to
  • give you
  • give at
  • give a show
  • give me a
  • give me
  • give them in
  • give present
  • give off energy
  • give him head
  • give force to
  • give out to
  • given out
  • give your seat




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