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词汇 easy
释义 easyUK:*/ˈiːzi/US:/ˈizi/ ,(ē′zē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 easy adj (not difficult)容易的;不费力的;不难的Correcting the spelling was an easy job.纠正拼写错误是件很容易的工作。usage: ‘easy’Something that is easy can be done or achieved without effort or difficulty, because it is not complicated and causes no problems.Both sides had secured easy victories earlier in the day.The task was not easy.The comparative and superlative forms of easy are easier and easiest.This is much easier than it sounds.This was the easiest stage.You can say that it is easy to do something. For example, instead of saying ‘Riding a camel is easy’, you can say ‘It is easy to ride a camel’. You can also say ‘A camel is easy to ride’.It is always very easy to be cynical about politics.The house is easy to keep clean. easy adj (comfortable)让人觉得舒服的;舒适的He sat in his easy chair and watched TV.他坐在舒适的椅子里看电视。 easy adj (sufficiently wealthy)富足的;安逸的Yes, we have an easy life here.是的,我们在这儿过着富足的生活。 easy adj (relaxed)放松的;轻松的It was a nice, easy atmosphere at the party.那场派对的气氛是轻松随意的。 easy adj slang (promiscuous) (女性)水性杨花的,轻浮的The rumour was that she was easy.有传言说她很轻浮。 easy adv (gently, with moderation)小心地;慢慢地;有节制地I'm taking it easy tonight because I have to drive home.我今晚要有所节制,因为我还要开车回家。 其他翻译 easy adj informal (with no strong opinion)随和的;和善的He was easy, and didn't object to anything. easy adv informal (without severe punishment) (非正式用语)宽大地, 宽容地He really got off easy this time! I can't believe his parents didn't punish him!他这次受到了宽大处理!他父母竟然没有惩罚他,我真是不敢相信! 动词短语 go easy on [sb] vi phrasal informal (be lenient toward [sb])宽恕;网开一面 go easy on [sth] vi phrasal informal (use with moderation)适度;有节制 复合形式: breathe easy vi + adv figurative, informal (be reassured)安心,松了一口气You can breathe easy again; we have solved the problem. dead easy adj figurative, informal (very simple to do)极为简单的 easy as pie, as easy as pie adj informal (very easy)简单得很,再简单不过; (比喻性说法)小菜一碟,不在话下When you've done it a few times, it's easy as pie. easy chair n (large upholstered armchair)安乐椅,摇椅Grandpa reclined in his easy chair when he arrived home.祖父回到家,坐靠在自己的安乐椅中。 easy come, easy go expr informal (relaxed attitude) (指态度)云淡风轻;淡定Henry never gets stressed about life; it's easy come, easy go with him. easy come, easy go expr informal ([sth] is gained and lost quickly)来得快;去得快;得来容易;失去也容易 Easy does it interj (go slowly, be careful)慢慢来 easy listening n (style of popular music)轻音乐;轻松的音乐 easy living n (relaxed way of life)放松的生活方式 easy living n (wealthy lifestyle)富有的生活方式 easy mark n ([sb] easily targeted or victimized)容易受骗的人;容易遭利用的人She was an elderly lady who lived alone: an easy mark for the con-man. easy money n informal (earned with little effort) (非正式用语)不费力得来的钱,容易得来的钱The job offer which promised easy money turned out to be fake. easy on the eyes, easy on the eye adj informal, figurative (good looking)悦目的,好看的I don't know who she is but she's very easy on the eyes. easy on the eyes, easy on the eye adj (not tiring to look at)看起来不累的,不伤眼的Staring at the television for a long period of time is not easy on the eyes. easy peeler n UK (small orange: tangerine, satsuma)橘子 easy pickings npl (wealth or goods obtained easily)不费力得来的钱;容易得来的钱 easy street n (wealth and ease)无忧无虑的生活;生活富足舒适 easy target n figurative ([sth] or [sb] easy to criticize)易被抨击的人或事物;易招致批评的人或物The study is an easy target for critics who suggest the results were predictable. easy target n (mark that is easily hit)易被击中的目标The slow-moving ship was an easy target to hit. easy to get along with adj informal (affable)好相处的;随和的Jim is a friendly guy who is easy to get along with. easy to understand adj (quickly grasped)容易理解的;不难明白的Use diagrams to display large amounts of information in ways that are easy to understand. easy to use, easy-to-use adj (not difficult to use)简单易用的;易用的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounThis easy-to-use mobile phone is specially designed for the elderly. easy to wear adj US, figurative (person: not difficult)好打交道Some people find him difficult, but I find him quite easy to wear. easy victory n ([sth] won effortlessly)轻易得来的胜利;胜得轻而易举Today's soccer game was an easy victory for the home team. easy-care adj (fabric: easy to clean) (衣物)易护理的 easygoing (US), easy-going (UK) adj ([sb], personality: relaxed)随和的;容易相处的I love being with her because she's a nice easy-going girl.我喜欢和她在一起,她是个非常善良随和的女孩。 easy-peasy adj UK, informal (easy, simple) (英国英语,非正式用语)小菜一碟;容易的;简单的 eggs over easy npl US (eggs lightly fried on both sides)双面煎蛋;半熟煎蛋 go easy on [sth] v expr informal (use sparingly)节约使用, 有节制地使用If you want to lose weight you should probably go easy on the fatty foods. go easy on [sb] v expr informal (be lenient with)温和对待, 宽大对待Please go easy on the new students.请对新生宽容一点。 have it easy v expr informal (face no problems)放轻松;别心急;别紧张People born into money are considered to have it easy. it was easy going expr UK (task went smoothly)事务进展顺利Although the professor said that we would struggle with the translation, it was easy going for our group. it's not easy expr informal (it's difficult) (非正式用语)这不容易It's not easy to find a partner in this day and age. not easy adj (difficult)不容易的;困难的It is not easy to raise a child these days. of easy virtue expr dated, pejorative (woman: promiscuous)放荡;水性杨花 on Easy Street, on easy street adv figurative, slang (leading easy life)(生活得)很舒适;(过得)逍遥自在After we paid all of our debts, we were living on easy street. over easy adj US (egg: lightly fried on both sides) (煎蛋)双面煎的 simple as ABC, easy as ABC adj informal (straightforward)易如反掌Learning how to make popcorn at home is simple as ABC. take it easy v expr informal (relax)放松点,沉住气;放松,休息Bruce loves to take it easy when he's at the cabin on the lake. Retirement is the time to take it easy.当布鲁斯在湖边小屋里时,他喜欢放松一下自己。退休就是该休息的时候了。 the easy way out n figurative (least demanding solution)最容易的解决方式The easy way out would be to give up, but we must keep trying.




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