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词汇 frowns on
释义 frowns on
frowns on发音



frown on───不悦,不满

frowns upon───不悦;皱眉;不赞成

frowned on───不悦,不满

grown on───加深影响;引起……爱好

grows on───加深影响;引起……爱好

frowning on───不悦,不满


frown upon───不悦;皱眉;不赞成

blows on───v.吹凉(食物);开炉


An ancient pagoda frowns on the mountainside.───一座古塔阴森森地矗立在山腰上。

Everyone in her family frowns on the marriage.───她家里的每个人都对这桩婚事不满。

He frowns on my smoking.───他对我的吸烟表示不悦。

Toyota critics here say the community still frowns on critic ism of the region's largest employer, making many afraid to speak out.───丰田批评人士说,社会仍然在该地区最大的雇主批评皱眉头,令很多不敢说出来。

Indonesians have traditionally favored large families, and their major religion, Islam, frowns on birth control.───印度尼西亚人传统上偏爱大家庭,他们的主要宗教伊斯兰教不赞成节制生育。

Villagers there don't eat much dog meat. Thailand's Buddhist culture frowns on killing stray animals, though, so street dogs are bountiful.───那里的村民不怎么吃狗肉,而且,由于泰国的佛教文化不允许宰杀流浪动物,那里的流浪狗很多。

BYU is owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which frowns on premarital relations.───杨伯翰大学是拥有和由耶稣基督后期圣徒,于婚前关系皱眉教会运作。

It also frowns on Mr Obama's efforts to improve ties with another Indian neighbour and erstwhile enemy, China.───印度政府同样也不满奥巴马总统改善与印度曾经敌对的邻国——中国的关系。


An ancient pagoda frowns on the mountainside.

She frowns on gambling.

At Whole Foods, the upscale organic grocer that frowns on haggling in its pristine stores, Gault scours the bacon packages in search of one whose sell-by date has come and gone.

BYU is owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which frowns on premarital relations.

China's stability - obsessed government frowns on unsanctioned religious gatherings and regularly detains priests and seminarians.

This culture prizes conformity, and frowns on any form of rebellion.

  • frowns palm




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