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词汇 from results
释义 from results
from results发音



arm rests───扶手

end results───最终结果;归宿

fair result───公平结果

get results───得到结果;取得成果

good result───好结果;好成绩

interim results───中期业绩

to result───结果


from results of XRD that the crystal structure of coating had not changed after heat treatment.───由XRD实验结果可知,热处理后镀层的晶体结构未发生改变。

In fact, we saw Segmented trend from results and neglected the complexity of process.───事实上,更多地从结果的角度看到分众化的趋势,忽略了过程的复杂。

results that the main meteorological factor affecting wheat transpiration are temperature, light intensity and relative humidity.───结果认为影响小麦蒸腾的主要气象因子是温度、光照强度和湿度。

It is also necessary that you concentrate your efforts on activities that provide the most value from results that you deliver.───往著从你酿成的成果中提供到最大价值的活动里投注你的努力也是很有必要的。

China's foreign exchange reserves have increased significantly the effect of inflation from results of empirical test.───有实证结果来看,我国外汇储备增加产生了明显的通货膨胀效应。

These two theorems will be derived later from results on non abelian cohomology .───这两个定理将在后面由非交换上同调的结果推出。

What can we learn from results of the survey done before this class?───从课前活动的结果,可以看出什么问题?

That also comes from results and the stuff around you - the press and the supporters are a lot more on side.───那也源于球队的成绩和你周围的环境--现在媒体和球迷(比之前)更向着我们。

The report was compiled from results of the department's 2002 and 2003 annual telephone surveys of some 10, 000 adults.───此报告根据健康和心理卫生部2002年和2003年的年度电话调查编写而成,大概有1万个成年人参加了调查。


From: results in the light of the international system of units of "the" speed of a fixed value of " the " facts.

We can draw a conclusion from results of experiments that the measure we take enhances contrast of edges of the blind-hole and improves the measurement precision of its consumedly.

The relation between acoustic emission rate and the stress intensity is nearly the same as those of V vs K1 from results of acoustic emission experiment.

Deaf signers exhibit effects of language knowledge on the form of coding inferred from results of short-term memory experiments.

  • from italy
  • from his
  • from there
  • from e
  • from the root
  • from hand to mouth
  • from up
  • from side to side
  • from image
  • from flooding
  • from atmy friend
  • from far away
  • from me
  • from results
  • from pole to pole
  • from of
  • from that
  • from the time
  • from innoboby
  • from blue
  • from the american dream to a chinese




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