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词汇 born
释义 bornUK:*/'bɔːn/US:/bɔrn/ ,(bôrn)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:Jamaican: See also: bear主要翻译 be born vi + past p (come into existence)出生;生来Jane was born in March.Some people are born deaf.简出生于 3 月。// 有些人生来就是聋的。 born adj (brought into existence)出生Born in Scotland, Rory moved with his family to Germany at the age of nine.罗里出生于苏格兰,9 岁时和家人一起搬到了德国。 -born adj as suffix (native to a place)出生于…的The Brazilian-born author now lives in New York.该作者出生于巴西,现居纽约。 其他翻译 born adj figurative (originated)开始,起始,诞生Ours is a country born of the revolution.我们的国家诞生于革命之中。 born adj (innate)天生的Tim is a born athlete.提姆是个天生的运动员。 be born to [sb] v expr formal, literary (come from a family) (正式书面语)生于;出生在The lady was born to a mother and father of modest means. 复合形式:born | bear born into [sth] adj + prep (having from birth)出身于,生来具有 born leader n (good manager)天生的领袖;天生的领导者A born leader is so charismatic that she can influence people to work harder and longer willingly. born lucky adj figurative (fortunate)生来有福;生来幸运I've never had any major problems in life. I guess I was born lucky. born of desperation adj (done as a last resort)最后手段的;最后一搏的His vegetable garden was born of desperation during tough economic times. born out of wedlock adj dated (illegitimate)私生的;非婚生的"Bastard" is the legal term for a child born out of wedlock.“私生子”是非婚生子女的法律术语。 born to [sth], born to do [sth] adj (having natural talent for [sth])生来注定,天生要She was born to sing. born with a silver spoon in your mouth adj figurative (have a wealthy upbringing)生在富贵之家;出身高贵She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. born-again Christian n (person: evangelical)再生基督徒;重生基督徒My sister is a born-again Christian at the Alliance Church in our town. born-again Christian n (person: converted)由其他信仰转为基督徒的人Sarah is a born-again Christian since she joined the Pentecostal church. country-born adj (born in countryside)生在乡下的,生于乡村的 firstborn, also UK: first-born n (eldest child in family)头胎;长子;长女Are you your parents' first-born?你是父母生的第一胎吗? firstborn, also UK: first-born adj (child: eldest in family)头胎的;最早出生的Their first-born child is a boy. foreign born, foreign-born adj (person: who was born overseas)在国外出生的;在海外出生的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. highborn, also UK: high-born adj (born into the aristocracy)出自名门的;出身高贵的;出身高贵的 native-born, native born adj (born in the place indicated)土生土长的, 本土出生的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. natural-born adj (showing ability from the beginning)天生的,与生俱来的 true-born adj (since birth)正统的,真正的Ben was born in South Carolina; he's a true-born Southerner. true-born adj figurative (natural)天生的Malcolm is a true-born pianist; he can play any piece by ear. well-born adj (born into a noble family)出身名门的, 出身高贵的




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