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词汇 fool around
释义 fool around
fool around发音

闲耍; 虚度光阴; (和某人)乱搞(男女关系); 鬼混



fools around───闲荡;游手好闲;干无用的事

fooled around───闲荡;游手好闲;干无用的事

goof around───消磨时间;随便玩玩

loll around───无所事事

look around───游览;到处察看;到处寻找

root around───翻找;乱翻

fooling around───闲逛;闲荡

to fool around───游手好闲

noodle around───玩弄;拨弄(乐器)


Monica hides in the bathtub ; her parents come into the bathroom and fool around.───不料她父母却在洗手间鬼混,莫妮卡撞见一场现场秀.

If you go to college, you must work hard, not fool around.───要是你上大学, 就得好好学习, 不能虚度光阴.

If you work, you must work well, not fool around.───如果你工作, 你必须干好, 不能游手好闲.

Don't fool around with that gun.───不要瞎摆弄那支枪.

If you go to college, you must study seriously and not fool around.───你若要考上大学, 你就必须努力学习,不要浪费时间.

Children should not be allowed to fool around with matches.───不应让小孩子玩火柴.

Did we fool around at Lance Davis'graduation party?───我们在兰西戴维斯的毕业派对上厮混过?

Don't fool around during working hours.───在工作时间内别瞎闹.

Never fool around with the clients' wives.───永远不要和客户的妻子乱搞。

My wife is not a good cook, but she always likes to fool around with cooking.───我的妻子不是个好厨师, 但她总爱瞎做.

" Tom, I don't like to fool around much where there's dead people.───“ 汤姆, 我不喜欢在有死人的地方闲荡.

So they fool around and fights break out.───所以它们会胡闹和打架.

You shouldn't fool around with dangerous chemicals.───你不应该玩弄危险的化学品.

The adults are too smart to fool around with this small beast.───成年狮子已经智力很高,不会再和这只小野兽胡闹.

Would you ever fool around.───你还会四处游荡吗?

Please do not fool around or disturb others in the pool. Diving is Prohibited.───不准在池中嬉闹或妨碍他人游泳活动;严禁跳水.

Who do you know that are friends that just fool around?───你认识谁只在打情骂俏的?

Let's try to get it done and not fool around with the State Department.───让我们设法把事情办成,不要同国务院在那里耗时间了.

Treat our earth in a friendly way, don't fool around with mother nature.───善待我们的地球, 不要愚弄大自然这位母亲.

Jimmy likes to fool around with alarm clocks.───吉米喜欢瞎整闹钟.

To fool around ; fritter time away.───别浪费你的时间.

I suest you study more and fool around less.───我建议多学习少到处游荡.

The workers always fool around when the supervisor steps out.───当工头一走开,工人就到处游荡.

Don't fool around with another man's wife.───不要与有夫之妇鬼混.

When you're a financial institution you can't fool around. It's all about confidence.───一家金融机构不能糊弄人, 这是事关信心的问题.

Say--let's not fool around here.───喂——咱们别傻呆在这儿了。

They would fool around at a distance.───他们将在远处闲逛.

It doesn't make sense to fool around any more.───再这么鬼混下去就没意思了.

If you fool around with a thing for very long you will screw it up.───如果长期懒散地对待一件事情,你会把它弄得一团糟.

Tell the children not to fool around with matches.───告诉孩子们别玩火柴.

That taught him not to fool around in high trees.───这教育他千万不要在大树上玩耍。


Don't fool around with matches.

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