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词汇 first light
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first lights───黎明;破晓;熹微光

first night───首夜演出;初次演出

first nights───首夜演出;初次演出

fill light───补充光线;辅助光

fire blight───[植保]火疫病


flash light───闪光灯;手电筒


Nor yet did he make the first light bulb, nor the first generator.───爱迪生也不是做出第一支电灯泡的人,至少他做的电灯不是第一代的.

Get a good night's rest, men, we join battle with the enemy at first light.───士兵们, 晚上好好睡一觉, 明天天一亮我们就要和敌人交战.

Now you must rest, as the battle will commence at first light.───你现在必须休息, 因为战斗在破晓时就会开始.

The attack will jump off at first light.───进攻将从拂晓开始.

We left at first light.───我们黎明时离去。

They set off at first light.───他们天一亮就出发了.

At first light they returned to the sledge and found Perrault and Franois tired and angry.───第二天天一放亮,它们便跑回雪橇边.只见弗朗索瓦和佩罗特又累又气地呆在那里.

The attack was on at the first light.───天一亮,进攻就开始了.

Three hours before first light Fuentes gave orders for the evacuation of the camp.───黎明前3个小时富恩特斯下达了撤离营地的命令。

But towns like Peterhead still rely on the trawlers that come back at first light and the men who skipper them.───但诸如彼得·黑德这样的小镇,仍然依靠着第一束灯光下回来的捕鱼者、以及他们的领航者们。

They think I'll sail home with the first light.───他们肯定觉得我明天一早就会启航回家.

But when the first light came I realized that I was in trouble.───可是,当第一束鱼白色的光照来时,我意识到,我的麻烦大了.

Thomas Edison created the first light bulb.───爱迪生创造了第一颗灯泡.

And in the first light the line extended out and down into the water.───天色微明中,钓索伸展着,朝下通到水中.

All of this, just because the first light in morning.───这美妙的一切, 都只因为那晨曦的第一缕光芒.

A new day starts when the sun casts its first light on the ground.───当清晨的第一缕阳光普照大地时,新的一天开始了.

But we also knew at first light they were going to attack.───我们也知道,天一亮他们就会进攻.

With first light, the artillery zeroed in on the road junctions.───天一亮, 大炮就对准了公路的各个交叉点.

She bestirred herself at the first light of morning.───天一亮,她就忙碌起来.

By the time the attack came , at first light, we were already at work.───进攻开始那天, 我们天刚亮就开始忙碌了.

B: Turn left at the first light.───到第一排红绿灯处往左拐.

At first light he was still five miles from shore.───曙光初现的时候,他离岸还有五哩.

He got up at first light to sweep the road.───天刚亮,他就起来扫街了.

Mother used to bestir herself at the first light of morning.───过去母亲总是天一亮就忙碌起来.

Presently he awoke, and the first light of day filled the room with a grey coldness.───不久他就醒过来了, 白天的第一线曙光带着黎明时的寒气充塞了整个房间.

So, we're seeing what sometimes people call the first light in the universe, which formed after the big bang," Dr. Moseley explains.───所以,我们所见到的正是人们所谓的宇宙大爆炸后的第一缕光。”莫里斯博士如此解释道。

Thomas Alva Edison then went onto create the first light bulb.───托马斯亚瓦爱迪生随后发明了第一盏电灯泡.

Morning shed its first light.───黎明来临,曙光初至.

He left home at first light.───他在天刚亮时出门.

I am setting out at first light tomorrow.───我明天天亮就起身.

  • first aid
  • first school education
  • first people
  • firste changebank
  • first last
  • first years
  • first rate
  • first swag
  • first stage
  • first rate staffing
  • first aid beauty
  • firstly secondly lastly
  • firstly synonym
  • first song
  • first light
  • first of all
  • first cost product
  • first class movers
  • first you
  • first served
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