financially viable───财政上可行的;经济上可行的
financial stability───[金融]金融稳定,[财政]财政稳定
financial instability───金融不稳定性
financial trouble───财务困境
financial assistance───财政资助
financial statement───财务报表,财政报告;财政决算
financially rewarding───经济回报
Accepting that a mode change isn't the end of the world has only fueled me to continue to pursue my dreams while approaching a more financially stable life.───接受这一模式的改变并不是世界末日,只为能继续追求我的梦想,接近更稳定的生活。
Bringing United and Continental together should create a stronger, more financially stable airline.at least in the short to medium term.───联合航空和大陆航空的合并可能会缔造更强大财政状况更稳定的航空公司,至少从短期和中期来看是如此的。
It has dramatically reduced debt and improved its credit rating since the financial crisis of the 1990s and is now financially stable.───上世纪九十年代金融危机以来,墨西哥的债务额大幅减少,信用等级大幅提高。目前,墨西哥金融稳定。
And of course, turning a profit and knowingyour business is financially stable are extremely rewarding as well.───当然,获得盈利并且知道你的业务在财务上是稳定的也是一种很大的回报。
My best friend (besides my wife, of course) is one of the most financially stable and frugal people I've ever met.───我最好的朋友(当然除了我的妻子)是我见过的理财最稳健并且节俭的人。
Others say that establishing themselves in their professions and being financially stable was critical.───其他人则说,树立职业地位、实现财务稳定是至关重要的。
who arranged for his sister and brother-in-law to come to Shenzhen after he was financially stable.───谁安排让他的姊妹和姊夫到达深圳在他是财务上稳定的之后。
- financially stable
- financially prudent
- financially literate
- financially sound