

词汇 did my homework
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do one's homework───做准备工作,做家庭作业

dirty work───不法行为;卑鄙勾当;苦活


tidy home───整洁的家

maid of all work───什么家务事都做的女仆


had no writing desk before. I did my homework on a bench.───以前我没有写字台,我总是在一条长凳上写作业。

This was a nice average suburban community. We were four kids and two parents living in a single room. I got very internal. I buckled down and did my homework. I got used to living in small Spaces.───那是一个中档的位于郊区的社区,我们四个孩子和父母一起住在一间房子里,我变得很内向,认真做我的作业,习惯住在小小的地方。

I shined my shoes,pressed my pants,and did my homework.───我擦亮了鞋,熨平了裤子,做了作业。

I had to stay at home and did my homework all day.───我不得不整天呆在家做作业。

In the last week, i stayed at home and did my homework , together with , helped my mother with the housework.───最后一周,我待在家写作业顺便帮妈妈做家务。

In fact, I did my homework that I should have done in the morning, meanwhile, I previewed my English and history courses.───其实我下午也把早上该写的作业写过了。并且,我复习了英语和历史。

I did my homework in Saturday afternoon. It was a little bit difficult.───在星期六的下午,我做我的家庭作业,它有一点难。

I played computer and did my homework in the morning of Saturday. And I played basketball in the afternoon.───星期六的早上我去玩电脑和写作业,到了下午就去打篮球了。

Then for the next five days, I did my homework and helped my parents with the housework.───然后在接下来的5天,我做作业的时候,帮助父母做家务。


I had no writing desk before. I did my homework on a bench.

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