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词汇 developmental disorder
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developmental disorder发音



developmental disorders───发展失常

developmentally disabled───发育性残疾;渐强性残废

developmental biologies───[生物]发育生物学;[生物]发生生物学,[生物]发展生物学

developmental biology───[生物]发育生物学;[生物]发生生物学,[生物]发展生物学

developmental disability───发育性残疾;发展性能力丧失

developmental disabilities───发育性残疾人

mental disorder───精神病;心理失常

development area───[经]开发区

development period───n.发展期;发育期;[油气][矿业]开发期


developmental disorder in cranial base of mutant mice resulted in the disturbance of tissue growth of cranial base.───突变小鼠的颅底软骨发育障碍导致颅底骨组织的生长发育也出现障碍。

Sonne reached this conclusion six years ago, after his youngest son was diagnosed with the mysterious developmental disorder.───索恩得出这个结论是在6年前,在他最小的儿子被诊断出犯有不可思议的发育障碍之后。

Autism, a spectrum of developmental disorders, is the most common developmental disorder in the United States.───自闭症,一种发育紊乱的表现型,是美国最常见的发育紊乱。

Pervasive developmental disorder not specified (PDD-NOS) that the diagnosis is usually used to diagnose mild or atypical autism.───广泛性发育障碍未注明(PDD-NOS)该诊断通常用于诊断那些轻型或不典型孤独症。

Which means that each and every one of you here today knows at least one child that is suffering from a developmental disorder .───这意味着今天在座的各位中每六个人中就有一个人知道至少一个孩子正在受发展障碍疾病的折磨。

Autism is a developmental disorder that involves mild to severe problems with behavior, communication and socializing.───孤僻症是发育紊乱的病症。能从轻度问题演变成严重问题,伴随着行为失常、交流困难和社交问题。

Sonne reached this conclusion six years ago, after his youngest son was diagnosed with the mysterious developmental disorder.───Sonne六年前在他最小的儿子被诊断出患有这种神秘的发展性障碍之后得到了这个结论。

Some clues come from a theory that autism is a developmental disorder that produces an "extreme male brain" .───有的线索来源于孤独症是不断发展的紊乱这一理论,这种紊乱会产生一种“极端男性的大脑”。

Autism Spectrum Disorders(ASD)is a severe, developmental disorder that begins at birth.───自闭症是一种婴儿期即可出现的严重的发育障碍。


The diagnoses of clients were behavioral disorder, emotional disorder, developmental disorder, other disorder, psychoses, tic disorder, learning disorder and adjustment disorder.

While Williams syndrome is relatively rare, studying it might shed more light on autism – a much more prevalent developmental disorder whose symptoms include problems in social behavior.

Amblyopia is a common developmental disorder of spatial vision, which main associated risk factors are strabismus, anisometropia and visual deprivation before the age of 7 years.

  • developmental milestones
  • developmental disabilities
  • developmental disability




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