

词汇 dad is
释义 dad is
dad is发音






ad in───发球占先

as is───照原来的样子;本来就是这样;不予改变

bad in───n.(Badin)人名;(法)巴丹;(俄)巴金;(意、瑞典、捷、塞)巴丁



did in───使精疲力竭


My dad is a good person.───我爸爸是一个好人。

For once, Dad is not complaining.───就这一次,爸爸没有抱怨。

My Dad is a fireman.───我的爸爸是个消防员。

Rachel's dad is a doctor and his love for his chosen career inspired her to follow in his footsteps.───Rachel的父亲是一名医生,而他对于自己选择的这份职业的热爱促使Rachel走上了与其相同的道路。

Dad is a bit of a stuffed shirt, but just the other day, he came to your rescue when your car died at the mall.───父亲是有些傲慢保守,但是才几天前,是他当你车在那家商场开不动时赶来帮忙。

Dad is a mountain in my heart, although rarely with that mind, but the heart has been a very solid position of the father.───爸爸在我心中就是一座山,虽然很少在一起说心里话,但是心里一直有个很坚实的位置是爸爸的。

The professor replied, "No, and I don't care if your dad is president of the United States. . . you get a zero on this exam"───教授回答道,“不知道,就算你老爸是美国总统,我也不在乎,你本次考试零分。”

But it's funny. The moment my dad arrives home, it would dash to the door barking. It seems to tell everyone dad is back.───不过它还挺逗。爸爸的车一到家门它就飞快地跑去,蹲在门口不停地叫,好像在告诉我们爸爸回来了。

One of the children said to her mother, "Dad is just like a small child, isn't he, Mom? "───他们的一个孩子对她的妈妈说:“妈妈,爸爸就像个小孩一样,是不是?”


Dad is always in a good humour for gardening.

For once, dad is not complaining.

The singer says her dad is her number one fan.

What you saw with dad is what you got.

Dad is just on a different wavelength from me.

See my dad is coming.

See Igor slowly realize his dad is scum.

My dad is such a nut.

Though Dad is awfully good at growing green things, the Little Sprouts pine for something sweeter.

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