

词汇 我想居住在农村用英语怎么说
释义 我想居住在农村用英语怎么说

I want to live in the countryside




Profound silence prevailed on the open countryside.───四野茫茫,寂静无声.

Moonlight was silvering the countryside.───月光下的乡村泛着银光。

From here we plan several sorties into the countryside on foot.───我们计划了几次从这里出发徒步去乡间的短途旅行。

She went to the countryside in 1958 and has worked there ever since.───她1958年到农村去,此后一直在那儿工作.

They will be in raptures over the French countryside.───他们会深深爱上法国的乡村。

Since the Sixties, afforestation has changed the Welsh countryside.───60年代以来,植树造林已经改变了威尔士的乡村面貌。

I think the development is a stalking horse for exploitation of the surrounding countryside.───我认为开发只是一个借口,目的其实是想开采周围农村地区的资源。

I miss the quietness of the countryside.───我非常怀念乡间的宁静。

The surrounding countryside is windswept and rocky.───这周围的乡村风多石头多。

The pub itself was on a rise, commanding views across the countryside.───酒吧本身就建在一个斜坡上,可以俯眺乡村风光。


Railway lines crisscross the countryside.

The countryside looks its best in October.

I feel no attachment to the countryside.

The countryside was flat, dull and uninteresting.

Development has affected vast swathes of our countryside.sentencedict.com/countryside.html

Both poets drew their inspiration from the countryside.

The countryside around there is lovely.

Development has affected vast swathes of our countryside.

The countryside has been denuded by war.

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