

词汇 crossing out
释义 crossing out
crossing out发音



grossing out───惹人讨厌;冒犯

closing out───结束;抛售;停业

cropping out───突然发生;出现

crossing off───[计]划掉;删去

crowding out───挤出效应(由于政府出售证券而将私人的信贷挤出市场);信贷压缩

crossing point───交点;交叉点;过境站

crossing over───[遗]交换,交叉

coming out───新发行的股票

cross out───删去;注销


it's gonna be crossing out toward here shortly.───它很快就会到达这里了。

credits are maxed out and the ink from crossing out all the days of the calendar run dry.───爆了,划去日历上所有日子的墨水干了。

When nationalist thugs beat up a Jewish friend, she defaced her grade card, crossing out the stamp that allowed her to sit on the "Aryan" seats.───当一个民族主义流氓殴打一位犹太朋友时,她把自己的成绩卡弄坏,擦去上面允许她坐在“雅利安人”座位上的印章。

The second-order determinant that multiplies a given element is found by crossing out the row and column in which that element appears.───乘给定元素的二阶行列式是删去该元素出现的行和列而得到的。

The credits are maxed out and the ink from crossing out all the days of the calendar run dry.───信用卡刷爆了,划去日历上所有日子的墨水干了。


We were then given a simple exam which consisted of crossing out stupid answers in order to leave the least stupid one.

(In Listing 6 I did my best impersonation of a top-secret government agent by crossing out my user ID with XXXXXXXXXXXX.) Let's parse this request a little more.





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