

词汇 critical temperature
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critical temperatures───[物][电子]临界温度

ideal temperature───理想温度

critical apparatus───临界装置

critical apparatuses───关键设备

ignition temperature───着火点,燃点

run a temperature───发烧

soil temperature───[土壤]土壤温度

transition temperature───转移温度

ignition temperatures───着火点,燃点


Cover the items in plastic once they reach the right critical temperature storage.───一旦达到了食物的“重要温度”,就要把它们装进塑料袋.

The steel is first slowly heated to just above its critical temperature.───首先慢慢把钢加热动略微超过临界温度.

For instance, the critical temperature of a high - Tc superconductor is quite sensitive to its oxygen pressure.───例如, 高Tc的超导体的临界温度对氧压就极为敏感.

The minimum pressure required to liquefy a gas at its critical temperature is its critical pressure.───使气体临界温度时液化所需要的最小压力就是该气体的临界压力.

Above the critical temperature and under high pressure the vapor may become as dens and as incompressible as the liquid at lower temperature.───在临界温度以上和高压下,蒸汽密度可能变得象在低温下液体那样稠密且不可压缩。

The critical point, or critical temperature, is the at the steel has the most desirable characteristics.───临界点或者临界温度是指钢达到其最合适性能时的点.

These materials become quite soft and flexible above critical temperature.───这些材料在临界温度以上变得十分柔软和易于弯曲.

The experts at Practical Action say all fruits and vegetables have a "critical temperature" for storage.───实际行动”的专家说,所有的水果和蔬菜都有一个冷藏的 “临界温度”。

Measuring the critical temperature of superconductors requires lower current and lower voltage, which needs high precision.───对超导体临界温度的测量要求非常小的电流和电压, 小电流与小电压对系统的测量精度要求很高.

Until now there was a very large uncertainty in estimates of this critical temperature.───直到现在,人们对临界温度的估计还有很大的不确定性。

Judgments concerning the location of fruit orchards are based upon critical temperature.───有关果树园址的设置是根据临界气温来判定的.

On exceeding the critical temperature, the structure of the metal begins to change.───一当超过临界温度, 金属结构就开始改变.

The equation expressing the critical temperature - critical chemical potential curve is derived.───临界温度 - 临界化学势曲线方程被导出.

Judgement concerning the location of fruit orchards are based on critical temperature.───有关果树园址的设置是根据关键的气温来判定的.

Heating temperature is about more than material with low critical temperature around 100 ℃.───加热温度约比材料临界温度低100℃左右.


The equation expressing the critical temperature - critical chemical potential curve is derived.

Measuring the critical temperature of superconductors requires lower current and lower voltage, which needs high precision.

On exceeding the critical temperature, the structure of the metal begins to change.

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They cooled the sample below its critical temperature so it became superconducting, then applied an increasingly strong magnetic field.

Results showed that as pressure was increased, critical temperature of the material dropped dramatically, a behaviour opposite to that predicted.

The critical temperature at which the flow curves change from continuousness to discontinusness increased as the cis content increased.

The critical point, or critical temperature, is the at the steel has the most desirable characteristics.

These materials become quite soft and flexible above critical temperature.

  • critical region
  • critical factor
  • critical care
  • criticalness define
  • critical review
  • critical state
  • critical angle
  • critical time
  • critical point




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