It's shiny
Nourishment & activation : Improve cell vitality, facilitate nutrients absorption, and gradually restore glittering, transparent and bright skin.───营养活肤: 增强细胞活力, 帮助营养成分渗透吸收, 令肤色逐步恢复莹白透亮、光彩照人.
His curling shaven lips laughed and the edges of his white glittering teeth.───他撇着剃得干干净净的嘴唇笑了,露出发着白光的齿尖.
The QQ reminder sounded and i saw a golden fish icon glittering in the taskbar.───QQ好友上线的提示音响了,我看到一个金色小鱼的图标在任务栏里不停的闪烁.
The colours are pastel during the day and more glittering in the evening.───所有色彩在白天略显低调,但在傍晚则闪闪发光.
Soapy strolled out of the square, up Broadway and halted at a glittering caf é.───索比离开了广场, 沿着第五大道北上,然后在一家灯光耀眼的餐厅前停了下来.
A glittering Islamic crescent tops the mosque.───一个闪闪发光的伊斯兰新月标志立于该清真寺之顶。
Rain chilled the glittering pageant.───雨使华丽的庆典大为逊色.
KJV The quiver rattleth against him , the glittering spear and the shield.───[新译]箭袋 、 烁的矛与枪,都在它的身上铮铮有声.
Far away on the last spur , there was a glittering obelisk.───远处,在最后一个山峦上闪烁着一个方尖塔.
The Hollywood premiere of Iron Man last year was a glittering affair.───《钢铁侠IronMan)去年在好莱坞(Hollywood) 的首映式是一场耀眼的盛会.
The plate is overlaid with glittering gold.
- 形容亮闪闪用英语怎么说
- glittering jewel
- glittering shell wow