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词汇 almost daily
释义 almost daily
almost daily发音



almost saintly───近乎圣洁

almost empty───几乎是空的

almost giddy───几乎头晕

almost tangible───几乎是有形的

almost uncanny───几乎不可思议

almost deafening───几乎震耳欲聋

almost inaudible───几乎听不见

almost farcical───几乎是闹剧

almost flawless───几乎完美无瑕


The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.───这些年轻人说几乎每天都会看到圣母马利亚显圣。

Bank robberies, burglaries, and muggings are reported almost daily in the press.───银行抢劫、入室盗窃以及行凶抢劫几乎在每天的新闻中都有报道。

Two issues almost daily drummed into the ears of Californians.───两种争论几乎每天都要灌进加利福尼亚人的耳朵。

I get emails about the HBO adaptation of A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE almost daily, by the way, so let me say a few words about that.───我现在几乎每天都收到关于冰火的HBO改编版的意见电邮,对此请大家容我唠叨几句。

An individual who brightened up the office almost daily with his or her positive approach to work no longer displays the same enthusiasm.───谁点亮了一个办公室,几乎与他或她的日常工作,积极的态度不再显示同样的热情个人。

By announcing new measures almost daily, the authorities are trying to convince would-be investors that they are really serious.───政府试图通过几乎每天公布新措施的做法,让潜在投资者相信政府确实动了真格。

Women who have these symptoms almost daily for more than a few weeks are advised to see a gynecologist or other doctor.───如果女性几乎每天都有这些症状,甚至超过几个星期,那就建议她们去妇科医生或其他医生那里就诊。

Women who have the # almost daily for more than a few weeks are advised to see a diny college or other doctor.───因此建议那些差不多每天都出现这些症状并超过几星期的妇女去找妇科医生或其他医生就诊。

A signpost near the kangaroos, making the sacrilegious claim that the continents shifted 40m years ago, used to be defaced almost daily.───袋鼠附近的一个标牌上面写着4000万年前大陆漂移的“不敬”言论,几乎天天都有污损。


He wrote to her almost daily.

Almost daily the disease made the news, but never had they dreamed that polio would find our family.

The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.

New personal computers are brought out almost daily.

Western experts made almost daily predictions that Gorbachev could not survive the growing domestic turmoil, but somehow he did.

Events were by now overtaking the scientists almost daily.

Grenade attacks have become an almost daily occurrence.

The weather here alters almost daily.

Bank robberies, burglaries and muggings are reported almost daily in the press.

  • almost surely
  • almost a hero
  • almost there
  • almost impossible
  • almost daily
  • almost home




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