

词汇 congress members
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congress member───国会议员


concrete numbers───[数]名数

crew members───机组人员,机上工作人员

board members───董事会成员

charter members───n.(美)组织或公司等的创办人

congress boot───国会靴

congress boots───国会靴



He sees this as steps toward getting to the concept of government 2.0, where technology plays a greater role in allowing collaboration between congress members and the public.───他将这视为迈向电子政务2.0 (government 2.0)的一步,在电子政务2.0的概念中,技术扮演着一个重要的角色,它可以帮助公众和议会成员之间通力合作。

Some Congress members might even hope to retain King Gyanendra as a constitutional monarch.───一些国会议员甚至仍希望国王贾南德拉作为一个立宪君主。

initiatives got early support from influential Congress members of both parties-maybe because they listened to their constituents.───倡议在早期就得到了两大党双方面有影响力的国会议员的支持,也许他们倾听了自己选区人民的呼声。

Some of the most hostile ads this political season have blamed Congress members for losing jobs to China.───在这个“政治季”中,一些最具敌意的宣传资料责怪国会议员将就业机会送给了中国。

mr. Vice President, members of the Congress, Members of the Cabinet, members of the Diplomatic Corps, and ladies and gentlemen.───尊敬的副总统先生,国会译员们,内阁成员们,外交使团官员们,女士们和先生们。

Most of the congress members approved of this bill .───大多数国会议员赞同这项议案。

If you do really think it is necessary to set a natural enemy, please discuss with Country President and other congress members first.───如果你真的觉得有必要设置一个国家宿敌,请先与囧统和其他议员们讨论过再说。

I want to know all congress members both in the House and Senate who have political ties to these Wall St. thieves.───我还想知道与这些华尔街巨偷有政治瓜葛的所有国会议员,无论是众议院还是参议院的。


A majority of Congress members wanted to put off an election until they could be sure of winning it.

So the dilemma for these Congress members is this: Which slavery would they want to apologize for?

Matsumoto, Japan, Foreign Minister, said at a press conference just out, "We (Congress) members of the speech center."

It was co-signed by eight other Congress members, seven of whom served in the Marine Corps, including Rep.

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