

词汇 cold rain
释义 cold rain
cold rain发音



cold air───冷空气

cold frame───n.保护幼苗的玻璃罩;阳畦


food grain───粮食

mole drain───地下排水沟,鼠道式排水沟

road train───公路列车;道路列车;汽车列车

acid rain───酸雨


cold call───(向潜在的主顾打的)冷不防电话;冷不防上门推销


The cold rain came down for hours.───冷雨下了几个小时。

The cold rain started sometime during the night.───冷雨在夜里时不时下着。

The cold rain started sometime during the night. It came down through the cracks.───晚上开始下雨,冰冷的雨丝从裂缝中洒下来。

Look at the sky and the clouds drifting away quietly, the wind across the soft, bird wings, cut off a cold rain salty.───看天空,云静静的飘过,风轻轻的划过,飞鸟的翅膀,剪落一阵冰凉的咸咸的雨。

We do not think about it, behind it will hit the cold cold rain, since the goal is to the horizon, leaving only the back of the world.───我们不会去想,身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨,既然目标是地平线,留给世界的只能是背影。

As soon as I rounded the corner to go past the house, I saw this figure standing out in the cold rain with a sack in his hand.───当我转弯要开过他的房子时,我看到一个身影站在寒冷的雨中,手里拿着一个袋子。

Around 7pm, as a cold rain fell steadily on the bridge, police loaded the last of the last of the marchers into a half-empty city bus.───大约到了下午7:00,寒冷的雨滴落在了桥上,警察把最后一个被逮捕的游行者装进一辆空着的城市公交车。

I stood in the cold rain near Oklahoma City, trying to thumb a ride home for the weekend.───我站在俄克拉荷马城附近的冷雨里,试着竖起大拇指蹭车回家过周末。

I saw this figure standing out in the cold rain with a sach in his hand.───我看到这个数字站在了他的手瑟杰冷雨了。


It is evening, a steady cold rain is falling outside and gusts of wind rattle the shutters.

That evening, as a cold rain began to fall, we were the last family admitted to the receiving camp.

Cold rain crystallised into snow.

The sky grew dark, and a cold rain began to fall.

It is cold, rain, and, to crown it all, we have to walk home.

Cold rain crystallized into snow.

A cold rain was beginning to fall, the sky to the east was very dark.

The cold rain came down.

We were out in the cold rain that pelts northern Arkansas in March.

  • cold call
  • cold-blooded means
  • cold here
  • cold packs
  • cold spell
  • cold caller
  • coldest winter
  • cold sweat
  • coldness of the letter
  • cold rose
  • cold beach
  • cold beef
  • cold short film
  • cold and dry
  • cold sea
  • cold-blooded define
  • coldish definition
  • cold callers
  • cold look
  • cold snap
  • cold as hell




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