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词汇 close relationship
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causal relationship───因果关系

proper relationship───正当关系

close relation───近亲;近关系;密切的关系

inverse relationship───逆相关;相反关系

loving relationship───相爱的关系

stormy relationship───暴风雨般的关系

strong relationship───牢固的关系;良好的关系;强关联

uneasy relationship───不稳定的关系

adult relationship───成人关系


The key point is that metonymy thing which has close relationship thing.───它的基本点是本喻体的相关性,而比喻的基本点是本喻体的相似点.

To the Italian people that's a very sacred, close relationship.───对意大利人而言,那是种宗教上的神圣的亲密的关系.

One would hardly have guessed the close relationship that existed between them.───几乎没人能猜透他们之间的亲密关系.

Zhou Dynastys historiographers and Zhouli have a close relationship.───周代史官与周礼之间有着密切的关系.

You'll also consider whether a close relationship ismeeting your needs.───你也会开始考虑现在的某段感情是不是真的你所需要的.

Her close relationship with the teacher increased her unpopularity among her schoolmates.───她和那位老师的密切关系使她在同学中越发不受欢迎.

The Yenan rectification and the sinicization of Marxism have close relationship.───延安整风与马克思主义中国化有着密切的关系.

Does Andy have a close relationship with Aces owner Jack Levitt?───安迪和ACE球队 的拥有者JackLevitt的关系好 吗 ?

Exploit the customers andthe close relationship with engineers to achieve assigned objective.───开发新客户,与工程师建立紧密的合作关系,以达到指定目标.

I had a close relationship with my grandfather.───我和爷爷很亲。

The dilemma I have a very close relationship with my grandma.───我的困境,我和奶奶的关系非常密切。

Category One: People you have a really close relationship with.───第一种:和你有亲密关系的人。

The feeding behavior of larval Epinephelus coioides had close relationship with light.───仔鱼的摄食与光照有着紧密的关系.

Thus, Chinese early English education was in a close relationship with missionaries.───这样, 中国早期的英语教育便与传教士们有了千丝万缕的联系.

The standardization of medium language has close relationship with edition quality.───新闻媒体语言文字规范化方面的问题同编校质量存在的问题密切相关.

She has a very close relationship with her sister.───她和她妹妹非常亲密。

Cardiopathy has close relationship with nervousness, smoking and less exercise.───心脏病与紧张 、 烟以及缺乏锻炼有密切的关系.

The level of population quality and economic progress have close relationship.───人口素质的水平与经济发展有密切的关系.


She has a very close relationship with her sister.

The close relationship between criterion-referenced assessment and the curriculum has been referred to in the previous section.

A close relationship developed among the visitors.

Her close relationship with the teacher increased her unpopularity among her schoolmates.

Maintain a close relationship to day-to-day operations.

She has a close relationship with her daughter.

There's a close relationship between increased money supply and inflation.

They also provide circumstantial evidence for a close relationship between mind and brain.

There was a close relationship between the two.

  • close open
  • close with
  • closet doors
  • close mouthed antonym
  • closed pants
  • closets by design
  • close book
  • close without saving
  • closed in case of rain
  • closethe door
  • close the book
  • closer song
  • closed caption
  • closer examination
  • close encounter
  • closemouthed crossword
  • close to someone
  • close window
  • closed shop
  • close up
  • closethe window




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