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词汇 他的叔叔们用英语怎么说
释义 他的叔叔们用英语怎么说

His uncles




Several uncles were already there.───几个叔叔已经在里面了。

Gardner credits his uncles with providing the male influence he needed.───Gardner认为是他的叔叔给他提供了影响他的人生道路的男人.

Later, he brought my uncles Theodore and Marco into the business.───后来, 他把我两个舅舅,西奥多和马可,拉进来一同做那盘生意.

On , my mother's side I have two uncles and six cousins.───在我母亲这一方面, 我有两个舅舅和六个表兄弟姐妹.

All my uncles and aunts and cousins were at the party.───我的叔叔们,姨妈和舅妈们都来为她庆祝生日.

The book follows four characters, loosely based on my uncles.───该书描述了4个角色,大致上以我的几个叔叔为原型。

Dutch uncles can be as big of a pain as parents.───那些爱唠叨,爱训人的人管教起我们来一点都不比我们的父母差.

We get together with my aunts, uncles and cousins.───我们和叔叔 、 婶婶及表兄妹们团聚.

My uncles likes surfing very much. He is a good surfer.───我叔父非常喜欢冲浪. 他是个优秀的冲浪运动员.

By the time boys reach your age they usually have learned to dissemble for rich uncles.───象你那样年纪的孩子都会对有钱的舅舅假装亲热.


I've got several uncles and aunts.

He, like his uncles, was a Cohen, with a rank and a calling.

There were no wealthy aunts or uncles waiting in the wings.

One of my uncles used to suggest that it be fried and passed around to the guests.

He never knew his father, his uncles were on the fringes of crooked activity and his drunken step-father sold second-hand cars.

My uncles visited a few times, and we went to the beach or to orange groves.

Stepfathers , uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends are all to be honored on Father's Day.

Meleager slays his uncles, who are in the forefront of those who would destroy Atalanta.

Both kings came to be surrounded by uncles who sought to further war for their own ends.

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