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词汇 churned out
释义 churned out
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burned out───烧坏;精疲力竭

chucked out───赶走;扔掉

churn out───艰苦地做出;大量炮制

churns out───艰苦地做出;大量炮制

turned out───打扮好的;穿戴好的;结果证明(turnout的过去式)

churning out───艰苦地做出;大量炮制

blurted out───开始说话,脱口而出

carried out───实施;贯彻(carryout的过去式和过去分词)

carted out───拖出去的


Still, it’s not too shabby for a couple of people who churned out an accidental product in the name of love—for the Web, that is.───即便如此,当我们审视这几个人以热爱网络的名义一不小心鼓捣出的产物,也不能说它太过寒碜吧。 这,就是博客了。

He has churned out more butter this week than last.───他本周制作的黄油比上周多。

But now consider a car factory or a printing press. Thousands of near-identical copies of cars, books, or newspapers are churned out.───但现在再考虑一个车厂或印刷机,成千上万的几乎相同的汽车,书籍或报纸的备份被制造出来。

With up to 2, 000 Nollywood films churned out a year, star actors often find themselves shooting more than one film a day.───诺莱坞一年推出约2000部电影,许多影星常常一天要奔跑于多个剧组。

The Federal Register typically grows fat with regulations churned out in the final weeks of any administration.───随着规则在最后几周的所有部门相机艰难出台,联邦登记薄明显增厚。

Your suit will be furiously churned out by the next morning and delivered to your hotel as early as 8am for a fitting.───第二天早上你的西装就会被热火朝天的生产线做好并在早上8点送到酒店试穿。

Compared with the anodyne, identikit bands churned out by talent shows, Ms Winehouse was an unusual pop idol.───与选秀节目大量炮制出的千篇一律,缺乏个性的乐队相比,怀恩豪斯是位非比寻常的流行天后。

Ferns can grow in dim lighting conditions, which can be caused when particles churned out by volcanoes block out natural light.───由于火山喷发,细小的粉尘颗粒阻挡了自然光线的照射,而蕨类植物却可以在光线昏暗的条件下自由生长。

They churned out screeds listing the dictator's crimes and posters caricaturing Gaddafi as a common thief and agent of Mossad.───他们撰文列举独裁者的罪行,制作将卡扎菲画成窃贼和摩萨德代理人的漫画像。


His prose is filled with active verbs and metaphors, instead of the passive voice and jargon frequently churned out by academics.

The dross churned out by some record companies isn't worth listening to.

He has churned out more butter this week than last.

Those sales will then collapse as copycat churned out by the producers of generic drugs.

Lowe knew the sects and the papers they churned out were going nowhere.

In his nightmares, he churned out workmanlike code for creepy bosses in suits.

For many experts, the unusually heavy and dense lava may continue to be churned out of Etna for a further year.

After developing the infrastructure and getting the ball rolling, the mine churned out great quantities of lead and silver.

  • churned customer
  • churned up
  • churned to foam
  • churned milk




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