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词汇 chief of staff
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chief of staffs───n.参谋长;司令;办公室主任;幕僚长

chiefs of staff───n.参谋长;司令;办公室主任;幕僚长

Chief of Staff───n.参谋长;司令;办公室主任;幕僚长

chief of state───国家元首

chief of states───国家元首

chief of staves───参谋长

member of staff───工作人员

ship of state───国家之船

member of staffs───员工


I want to tell you that I always work on the Chief of Staff system.───我要告诉大家,我一向办事都采用参谋长的制度.

Mid shot Chief of Staff says.───中景)参谋长说.

Chief of Staff : Accumulate 10 million total heal points.───总共,积累1000万(好多)点治愈的生命值.

sultan was still nominally the chief of staff.───苏丹在名义上仍是军队领导人。

as the Chief of Staff, that role often is a referee.───作为办公厅主任,我会经常扮演仲裁的角色。

He abolished the position of Assistant to the President and was his own chief of staff.───他撤消了总统助理这个职务,由他亲自统率部下.

I informed the President and the Chief of Staff.───我向总统和参谋长做了报告.

He was Mr Putin's chief of staff and legal consigliere.───他曾是普京的总参谋长与法律顾问.

President Bush's chief of staff, Josh Bolten, says much is at stake.───布什的白宫办公厅主任乔希.博尔顿说,许多问题关系重大.

Harry Turman did not believe in the single chief of staff.───哈利-杜鲁门不喜欢单一的办公厅主任制度.

The chief of staff is expected to tender his resignation this week.───领班准备这星期提交他的辞职书.

The Army vice chief of staff, Gen.───美国陆军副参谋长皮特·齐雅瑞礼Gen。

Susan joined ADG Electronics in 1999 and currently serves as the chief of staff.───苏珊于一九九九年加入ADG电子,目前担任人事总务主管.

I met a girl who was the wife of a brigade chief of staff.───我遇到过一个女青年,她丈夫是一个旅的参谋长.

The Iraqi army chief of staff wants American help until 2020.───伊拉克军参谋长希望美军协助到2020年.

The chief of staff issued a series of orders in an arBitrary and aBrasive fashion.───办公室的领导发布了一系列命令,态度专制蛮横.

Kilpatrick's current chief of staff says that the mayor has no intention of stepping down.───现任参谋长说,市长现在还没有辞职的意愿.

He was the smoothest and probably the most powerful chief of staff in political memory.───在人们关于政治人物的记忆里,他是最精明、可能也是最有权势的参谋长。

The deadline extension request will be made to the Presidential Chief of Staff Jose Dirceu.───延长最后期限的请求将递交给总统的最高顾问乔斯·德赛.

I have nominated Brigadier de Guingand as Chief of Staff Eighth Army.───我已经委派德圭因甘德准将担任第八集团军参谋长.

The Sultan was still nominally the Chief of Staff.───苏丹仍是名义上的参谋长。

Appearing next to Secretary Gates the chairman of the joint chief of staff, General PP.───在国防部长盖茨之后,参谋首长联席会议主席PP将军也发表了自己的看法.


Andy Card would become White House chief of staff.

Gerry de Silva was formally appointed army Chief of Staff on Oct. 23.

The West Wing job. Deputy chief of staff.

In an announcement, Army Chief of Staff Gen.

Yeltsin fired his deputy chief of staff, Alexander I.. Kazakov, on Friday.

The army's Chief of Staff had personally ordered the raid.

Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, the chief of staff, said 73 soldiers and crew members were killed.

We also interviewed candidates for her chief of staff.

The Sultan was still nominally the Chief of Staff.

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