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take a wild guess take back take-back takeback take breath away
take by storm take by surprise take care take care of take care of yourself
take care with take center stage take centre stage take charge take-charge
take charge of take cognizance of take comfort take comfort in take command
take command of take control take control of take counsel take courage
take courage in take cover take credit take delight in take delight in doing
take delivery take down takedown takedown take-down
take-down take down take drugs take effect take exception
take exception to take fire take five take flight take for
take for a ride take for granted take form take forward take fright
take fright at take from take from take heart take heed
take heed of take hold take hold of take-home take in
take in hand take in stride take in the sights take into account take into care
take into consideration take inventory take in your stride take issue take issue with
take it take it easy take it in turns take it in turns to do take it on the chin
take it on the lam take it out on take its place take its toll take it that
take it upon yourself take it upon yourself to do take leave take leave of take lessons
take liberties take liberties with take lightly take long take lying down
take matters in hand take mind off taken taken aback taken away
taken for granted take no notice of take no part in take no prisoners take-no-prisoners
take note take note of take notice take notice of taken over
taken with take off takeoff takeoff take-off
take-off take off take offence take offense take off for
take office take off weight take off your hat take off your hat to take off your shoes
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