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词汇 total value
释义 total value
total value发音




tonal value───色调;影像明晰度

tonal values───色调;影像明晰度

total failure───完全失效

note value───音符值

to value───重视

total sales───[会计]销售总额;[贸易]总销售额

capital value───[经]资本价值

nominal value───[数]标称值;[金融]票面价值

ratable value───应纳税额


total value of these shares based on the real time quote.───根据实时报价计算出的股票总市值。

Does the total Value Adjustment Factor agree with other projects?───总的数值调整参数是否和其他项目一致?

Measures the total value of output produced by manufacturers.───测量产品的总价值由制造商导致.

The total value of your order amounts to US $ 50, 000.───你们订购的这批货物的总值为五万美元.

They were uncertain of the total value of the transaction.───他们还不确定这笔交易的总价值是多少。

The total value of their nuclear genetic contribution was 76.───其细胞核遗传贡献值累计为76.

I propose we compensate you total value plus inspection fee.───我想我们赔偿贵方百分之三地损失,另外加上商检费.

Europe's ETS made up about 80% of the total value.───欧洲的ETS占有总值的80%。

The Draft Plan provides for an increase of some 11 per the total value of industrial output.───草案规定工业总产值约增长百分之十一.

The total value of the exhibits are around 8.3 million Euros.───这些作品总价值在830万欧元.

Well , that depends on the total value of your property under coverage.───那要视乎你投保的财物的总值是多少了.

The total value of FORM E is USD 10020.───产地证上写的货值金额好像是10020美金.

I propose we compensate you by 3 % of the total value.───我想我们赔偿贵方百分之三的损失.

The total value was also influenced by steel and 18 - carat gold timepieces.───其总价值也遭到钢铁以及18克拉的黄金时钟颠簸的影响.

Yang Qizhan and Shenzhen total value proportion about 25 %.───央企占沪深总市值的比例在25%左右.

They were uncertain of the total value of the transaction.───他们不清楚这笔交易的总额。

A value index measures general changes in the total value of some variable.───价值指数用以度量某些变量的价值总量变化.

I will pay you 5 % of the total value as commission.───应该说是抽取发票总额的5%(一般来说是这样)作为佣金. 你那样说也对.


These items have an approximate total value of £800.

The total value of all drugs seizures topped a record figure of £116,000,000.

We have total value for Dept.

The total value of sales is £80 million so far.

They were uncertain of the total value of the transaction.

This means that injections exceed withdrawals and the total value of output is less than the economy's aggregate demand.

The total value to Loral shareholders for the transaction was put at more than $ 10 billion.

The total value of the paintings is assessed at $20 million.

The total value of the stocks was over £3 million.

  • total depth
  • total ige
  • total lift
  • total graded at
  • total amount due
  • total sugar
  • totality and infinity
  • total communication
  • total phase
  • total tax
  • total net
  • total of
  • total darkness
  • totally different
  • total income
  • totality defined
  • total recall
  • total consumption
  • total fee
  • total paid
  • total control




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