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the populars───民众




bee population───蜜蜂种群

hugely popular───非常受欢迎



Nail art will be popular this year.───Nail艺术 今年将大为流行.

Family camping seems to be popular.───家庭露营似乎受人喜爱.

Crimes of passion seem to be popular material for TV infotainment programs.───冲动杀人似乎是娱乐性新闻节目受欢迎的题材.

That singer may be popular, but his style leaves me cold.───那位歌手可能很受欢迎, 但是我不喜欢他的表演风格.

Dachas and weekend cottages will be popular.───郊外别墅和周末小别墅将会风靡.

The exhibition is sure to be popular.───这一展览肯定受欢迎。

Gradually, clocks began to be popular.───渐渐的开始广泛地使用钟了.

The move would not be popular at Arsenal.───阿森纳肯定不想上述情形发生.

Fog and frost seem to be popular topics at the moment.───雾和霜似乎是当前的热门话题.

He would be popular at school if he weren't such an eager beaver.───他若不是只为表现自己而拼命用功的话,在学校里准会很受欢迎.

I accept that this will not be popular.───我认为这是不会受欢迎的。

Such a product would certainly be popular.───这样的产品一定会风行.

Fox hunting used to be popular in Britain.───猎捕狐狸在英国曾经很流行.

Look here, I lied when I said I liked to have people like me - to be popular.───你听我说呀, 我刚才说了谎,说什么我巴不得要人们都喜欢我 -- 要大家都欢迎我.

Despite some taboos tattooing, the art continues to be popular all over the world.───尽管一些纹身会遭遇禁忌,但纹身艺术仍旧风靡全球!

We are sure the toys will be popular among children and good for their intelligence.───我们相信,这些玩具会受到儿童的喜爱并对儿童的智力开发大有益处.

I would be popular too if I had her intelligence!───如果我有她这股机灵劲儿,我也会受人欢迎的!

Recapitalising the Banks will not be popular and does not solve the root problem of sovereign indebtedness.───银行的资本重组可能不受欢迎,而且不能解决主权债务的根本性问题。


Raising the retirement age will not be popular.

The concept would surely be popular with consumers.

Joseph Harker Monocles seemed to be popular in Victorian and Edwardian times.

If it will be popular in the gangdom 's film. It is very overbearing. According to its weight, it is absolute that it was used for pacers.

The exhibition is sure to be popular.

But as nettlesome as these issues can be, popular culture raises another issue of paternity with another kind of collaboration.

The need to be popular with growers while at the same time run a large commercial operation clashed, he says.

You will be popular with acquaintances; however, loved ones could feel left out and insecure.

Patience with China may not be popular with U.S. politicians facing elections this autumn.

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