

词汇 shock value
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book value───[会计]账面价值

check valve───止回阀,止逆阀

shock wave───冲击波;强烈反应

check valves───止回阀

book values───账面价值(bookvalue的名词复数)

clack valve───[机]瓣阀

face value───面值,票面价值;表面价值

food value───食物营养价值

good value───钱花得值


Pictures with shock value will make smokers quit.───带有吓人信息的图片将使吸烟者戒烟.

So a zone has shock value, but It'shouldn't last very long.───所以区域联防固然有它的优势,让人眼前一亮, 但是它不可能持续太久.

shock value is gone now," Prof Hamilton says.───现在冲击力消失了,”汉密尔顿表示。

That does not lessen the shock value for a modern reader, even though war in our time is no less savage and no less brutal.───对于现在读者,它的震惊效果并未削弱,尽管现代的战争不再那样野蛮残忍。

So it might have more shock value for some.───所以也许对于某些球队来说,区域联防就更有价值了.

Dadasim asked & quot ; what is art? & quot ; and used humor and shock value as communicative elements.───达达主义设问“什么是艺术? ” 并用幽默和让人震惊的色彩和手法作答.

The script has lost all of its shock value over the intervening 24 years.───时隔24年后,这个剧本已经完全失去了震撼力。

Dadaism asked " what is art? " and used humor and shock value as communicative elements.───达达主义设问 “ 什么是艺术? ” 并用幽默和让人震惊的色彩对比手法作答.

For example, " Jay thinks that Britney just shaved her head for shock value. "───例如: [杰觉得布兰妮剃光头只是为了让人为之一惊罢了 ].

The script has lost all of its shock value over the intervening 24 years.───这期间的24年中,该剧本已完全失去了它惊世骇俗的特色。


They look wild and witty but are only worn at shows for shock value by Gruppa Iren, her small company.

The Pistols' strength lay not in their future potential but in their immediate shock value.

This version by Northern Stage rather downplays the shock value of that final betrayal, which is certainly a flaw.

And my point is, this rhetorical strategy is effective because of its shock value.

One day, perhaps, consciousness will have shifted and generic she will lose its shock value.

The script has lost all of its shock value over the intervening 24 years.

Anything that is done for shock value has no future because it's done for the moment.

The bang menu title has virtually no instructional value ( except perhaps through shock value ).

And I think it actually has more shock value than the first one.

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  • shock ed
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  • shock down
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  • shock value
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