nerve agents───神经毒剂
free agent───无自由约束的职业队员
nerve net───[无脊椎]神经网
news agent───n.报刊经销商
inverse tangent───[数]反正切
nerve center───神经中枢;神经元
nerve centre───中枢;[解剖]神经中枢
secret agent───间谍;特务
travel agent───旅行社;旅行代理人,旅行代办人
The mutated enzymes were then put in a test tube with a small amount of nerve agent and the acetylcholinesterase.───研究人员将变异酶、少量的神经毒气和乙酰胆碱酯酶一同放置于试管中。
It took years for Iraq to finally admit that it had produced four tons of the deadly nerve agent, VX.───伊拉克用了几年时间才承认它已经生产了4吨致命神经毒剂VX。
But he's after a nerve agent.───但他却致力于研究神经毒剂。
Nerve agent into the body, the rapid destruction of BU have chest tightness, reduce pupil wish of the vague and drooling.───神经性毒剂进入人体后,迅速破坏神经卜产生胸闷、瞳孔缩小、祝力模糊、流口水。
It was the world's first major chemical attack using sarin, a nerve agent which attacks the respiratory system.───这是世界上首宗使用沙林神经毒气施袭的重大化学武器事件。
The effects reported on animal subjects (twitching and convulsions followed by death) also strongly suggest a nerve agent.───在动物试验结果报告(颤搐和痉挛然后死亡)也有力的证明是一种神经毒剂。
Right now, you are breathing in a deadly nerve agent.───现在,您在致命的神经毒气呼吸。
The Preparation of Molecularly Imprinting Nanometer Layer and Its Application in Detecting Nerve Agent Sarin───分子印迹纳米膜的制备及其在检测神经性毒剂沙林中的应用
- nerveless definition
- nerves stem