neighbourhood warden───社区管理员
neighborhood watch───邻里监督组织(一种邻里间互相监督以减少犯罪的地方组织)
neighbourhood wardens───社区管理员
neighborhood watches───邻里监督组织(一种邻里间互相监督以减少犯罪的地方组织)
neighbourhood watch───邻里守望
neighbourhood watches───邻里守望
If a user racks up enough of these titles in a specific neighborhood, he'll become the baron of that area, or the king at the city level.───如果一个用户在一个特定的地区得到了足够的这些头衔,他就将成为这个区域的男爵,或者是城市级别的国王。
As we looked over the menu, they told me that the old neighborhood had been losing the grittiness that it had when Nelson Algren prowled the area.───当我们看菜单时,他们告诉我说这家老邻居已经不像当年纳尔逊·阿尔格伦在这里散步时那样满是沙砾了。
Do your part and take pride in your neighborhood or work area.───做好你的一部分,夸赞邻居的工作,以他们为豪,或是爱你工作的地方。
- neighborhood bully
- neighborhood watch
- neighborhood area