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词汇 missing link
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missing links───失落的环节;缺少的一环(missinglink的复数)

fishing line───钓丝,钓鱼线

the missing link───完整事物中缺少的一个环节

fishing lines───钓丝,钓鱼线

missing child───失踪的孩子

firing line───作战最前线,射击线

missing mass───丢失质量

missing out───错过;遗漏;省略



Other: This technology will be the missing link between infantry and artillery.───这种技术(恰)是步兵和炮兵之间(所)缺失的一环.

If you don't have the missing link, you would find that this is contradictory.───如果您没有串链接着各种系统在一起的绳索的这一环, 您会发现这样的局面是自相矛盾的.

The finding suggests a "missing link" between the pre-biotic Earth's chemical inventory and the organizational scaffolding essential to life.───这一发现表明了“与前地球生物的化学品清单和组织棚架的一些生命缺失的环节。”

We're dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.───我们正在解决的可能是我们所知的人类进化过程中缺失最大的一环。

It was this " Law of Avogadro'which supplied the missing link in Dalton's Atomic Theory.───正是这条阿 伏伽德 罗定律弥补了道尔顿原子学说中遗漏的环节.

Green GDP and public education I believe are a missing link here.───我认为,绿色GDP与 公共教育亟须得到改善.

The missing link is action on trade talks.───目前缺失的一环是贸易谈判方面的行动.

The Debate on Influencing Doctors'Decisions : Are Drug Characteristics the Missing Link?───有关医生用药影响因素的讨论: 是否忽略了药物特性因素?

It's a criminal act to present the pygmies as the missing link.───你不可以把俾格米人当作人与猿之间的过度生物,那是犯罪!

A 1816 penny was the missing link in my collection of pennies.───我收集到的全部便士只差1816年铸造的1枚.

discovery of a 'missing link' between man and apes could revolutionise our understanding of how we evolved, scientists say.───科学家最近发现了人和猿之间一个“丢失的联系”,可以彻底改变我们对进化的理解。

The crucial flaw in this reasoning is the missing link to monetary policies.───这一理由的致命漏洞是它未能与货币政策挂起钩来.

But a missing link has been highlighted by the past week's events in Iran.───但是,上周发生的伊朗事件突显了脱节的危害.

If mankind sees you, it will think you are the missing link.───如果人类看到你, 就会以为你就是那半人猿了.

She is not a missing link, but her skeleton is half human, half chimp.───塞拉姆并不是人类进化过程中缺失的一环, 但她一半很接近于人类, 另一半却更像猿类.


We're dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.

  • missing operating system
  • missing values
  • missing function header




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