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词汇 mineral processing
释义 mineral processing
mineral processing发音




mineral processings───选矿;矿物加工工程

mineral dressing───[矿业]选矿;[矿业][冶]富集

funeral processions───送葬

funeral procession───送葬

mineral dressings───[矿业]选矿;[矿业][冶]富集

signal processing───[通信]信号处理

general precessions───总岁差

general precession───总岁差



Two mineral processing accidents resulted from frothers are analyzed by means of GC - MS.───运用GC-MS剖析两起由起泡剂引发的选矿事故.

The development of main mineral processing technologies of wolframite and scheelite are presented in the paper.───论文分别介绍了黑、白钨选矿工艺主要技术进展情况.

Mine Equipment: ball mill, crusher, and other mineral processing equipment.───矿山设备有: 球磨机 、 破碎机等选矿设备.

Dashan Mineral Processing Plant of Dexing Copper Miner is oversize mineral processing plant in China.───德兴铜矿大山选矿厂是我国特大型选矿厂.

Bayer - mineral processing method is a method to add mineral techniques to Bayer process.───选矿—拜耳法就是在常规的拜耳法生产流程中增设了选矿过程的生产方法.

The reforming works done at reagent feeding system of the mineral processing factory are introduced.───介绍了选矿厂针对给药系统所做的改造工作,最终解决了原先存在的问题,同时选矿药剂成本也有所降低.

Nickel mineral is the main recovered element in mineral processing.───矿石中的镍是选矿回收的主要元素。

Mineral processing equipment to provide free technical advisory services.───免费提供选矿设备技术咨询服务.

Township enterprises in small hydropower, furniture plant, mineral processing.───乡镇企业以小水电 、 家私厂 、 矿产加工为主.

Engineering design, technical consultation and engineering supervision for Potassium, sulfur, phosphor and other non - metal mineral processing.───主要从事钾化工及硫 、 砼、钾等 非金属 矿选矿的工程设计及技术咨询、工程监理 、 工程项目管理的咨询业务.

The application of a new PAC collector in copper mineral processing acopper mine was studied.───介绍新型PAC捕收剂用于某铜矿的选矿研究,采用优先浮选和混合浮选两个流程方案,均取得良好的结果,两种流程指标相近.

The tests on mineral processing flowsheet for treating sulfide - Oxidiged Pb - Zn mixed ores were briefly introduced.───简介硫 — 氧混合铅锌矿选矿流程试验.

main production equipment, mines and mineral processing, cement processing equipment and tooling equipment qu wood.───主要生产矿山和选矿设备,水泥加工设备以及曲木模具设备。

The paper introduces the research of mineral processing test of some low-grade copper oxide ore in Yunnan.───本文主要针对云南某地低品位氧化铜矿样进行了选矿试验研究。

The separation of pyrite and arsenopyrite is always one of the difficulty subjects in mineral processing.───硫砷分离一直是选矿界所面临的难题之一.

Copper mineral is the main recovered element in mineral processing.───矿石中的铜是选矿回收的主要元素.

Molybdenum oxide is the product by mining, mineral processing and roasting etc.───工业氧化钼是经过采矿 、 选矿、焙烧等一系列工序之后的产品.

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