

词汇 lend an ear
释义 lend an ear
lend an ear发音



to lend an ear───倾听

lend ear───倾听

spend a year───度过一年

loud and clear───一清二楚

half an ear───半只耳朵

lend a hand───帮助

send a fax───发传真

Tyne and Wear───(英)泰恩-威尔郡

calendar year───[天]历年


Lend an ear to those in need.───听听贫困人声音吧.

She was talking about her house to anyone willing to lend an ear.───她在向那些愿意听的人谈她的房子.

They are always willing to lend an ear and offer what advice they can.───他们总是愿意认真倾听并尽量提出建议。

Lend an ear to him. It'seems that he knows the whole story.───仔细听他讲, 他似乎知道全部内情.

It's often enough to lend an ear and offer encouragement without jumping into action.───通常情况下,倾听和鼓舞对方就足够了,不用自己采取行动.

ear to him. It seems that he knows the whole story.───听他讲,他似乎知道全部内情。

Please lend an ear to me.───请听我说.

If you would lend an ear for a couple of minutes you might learn something to your advantage.───要是你愿意认真听几分钟的话,你可能会学到一些对你有用的东西.

We should lend an ear to those international refugees.───我们应该耐心听听国际难民的遭遇。

But, Hippocrates, lend an ear!───但是, 希波克拉底,你要认真听一听.


But, Hippocrates, lend an ear!

If you would lend an ear for a couple of minutes you might learn something to your advantage.

Lend an ear to him. It seems that he knows the whole story.

They are always willing to lend an ear and offer what advice they can.

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