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词汇 line
释义 lineUK:*/ˈlaɪn/US:/laɪn/ ,(līn)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 line n (drawn mark)线;线条He drew a curved line on the paper to show the shape.他在纸上画了一条曲线来表明形状。 line n (mathematics: continuous extent) (数学)线,直线Plot the straight line and the circle on the same graph.请在同一个图表中标出直线和圆圈。 line n (row)排;行He planted a line of potatoes in the garden.他在花园里种了一排土豆。 line n (row of letters)(文字、段落的)行The paragraph takes up ten lines in the book.那个自然段在书里占了十行。 line n (rail: between two points)地铁线;铁路线The local metro has two lines; Red and Green.当地有两条地铁线:一条红线,一条绿线。 line n (company: shipping, bus)线路,运输线,航线;运输公司,航运公司This bus line goes to many towns.这条公交线路经过许多小镇。ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 这家航运公司成立于十年前。 line n (wrinkle)皱纹The lines on her face have increased with age.随着年龄的增长,她脸上的皱纹也在增加。 line n (business: group of products) (一系列同款产品)系列The company has a product line of mobile phones for consumers.该公司有专攻消费市场的手机产品系列。 line n US (queue of waiting people, vehicles)排队的队伍The line for tickets was too long, so we went somewhere else.买票的队伍太长了,所以我们去了其他地方。 其他翻译 line n (song) (一行歌词)…行The verse has four lines and the chorus has two.这首歌的主歌有四行歌词,副歌有两行。 line n (poetry)诗歌'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?' is a famous line by Shakespeare.“我是否可以把你比喻成夏日?”是莎士比亚的一首名诗。 line n (limit, frontier)边界;疆界;边防线The line between North and South Korea is heavily militarized.朝鲜和韩国间的边防线处于高度军事化状态。 line n (thick cord)绳;线I need a thick line to tie up this box. line n (telephone)电话线(路)The line got disconnected and I called her back.电话断了,我给她打了回去。 line n (fishing cord)钓鱼线He tossed the line to the deepest part of the river, trying to catch a fish. line n (clothesline)绳;晾衣绳She hung the clothes on the line to dry.她将衣服挂在绳子上晒干。 line n (pipes)管子;管线;管道The sewage line got blocked and overflowed.污水管道堵住了,在往外冒水。 line n informal (short message)便条;短简;条Drop me a line on Tuesday and we can talk about it then. line of [sth] n (thought, policy)思路His line of thought is consistent with that of the religious authorities. line n (route, direction)路线;走向Follow the line of the mountains and you will get to the town.沿着群山的方向走,你会抵达那个小镇的。 line n (beings with common ancestry)家族;族系This line of kings dates back to the fourteenth century.这一系列国王的族系可以追溯到14世纪。 line n slang (prepared excuse) (俚语)准备好的借口(理由等),俗套的台词,老掉牙的借口He tried to pick her up with the old line: "Have we met before?"他试着用俗套的台词向她搭讪:“我们是不是见过?” line n often plural (contour, design)轮廓线条;设计轮廓The new car was admired for its beautiful curved lines. line n (military: fortifications) (军事)防线The three lines of defence against the enemy didn't stop them.三条抵御敌军的防线也没能阻止他们。 line n often plural (military: formation) (军事)直线阵型The soldiers moved forward in lines. line n (business: operations managers)业务(经理)I will ask my line manager for her advice before talking to the boss.和老板谈之前,我会先向业务经理寻求建议。 line n (business: assembly line)组装线;装配线;生产线The assembly line runs twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.装配线每周七天,每天二十四小时地运转。 line n informal (lie)谎言;谎话She fed me some line about the dog eating her homework.她向我撒谎说作业被狗吃了。 line n (American football) (橄榄球)开球线,(进攻)线He plays on the offensive line, and protects the quarterback.他负责进攻线,保护四分卫。 line n (actor: text to speak)台词She kept forgetting the line she was supposed to say before her exit.她老是要忘自己在离开前应该说的台词。 line n (railway: track) (火车)轨道,铁轨A fallen tree on the line has delayed trains running between London and Manchester.由于有棵大树倒在铁轨上,所以伦敦与曼彻斯特间的火车都遭到延误。 lines npl (actor's words)台词,对白The actor lost his job because he couldn't remember his lines in the movie. line vi (take position)排队;排成行Please line up here and we will see you one at a time.请在这里排队,我们一次接见一个人。 line [sth] vtr (baseball: hit a line drive) (棒球)打出(平直球)He lined the ball to center field and got to first base. line [sth] vtr (mark with lines)给...画线;用线标示The teacher told the pupils to line their blank sheets of paper before writing on them.老师要求学生在写字前先在白纸上画上线。 line [sth] vtr (add lining)做内衬;做内垫;衬在;垫在Sophie lined the inside of the box with paper to protect the contents. Line your baking tin with greaseproof paper, so the cake won't stick.索菲在盒里垫上纸来保护里面的东西。在烘焙模子中衬上烘焙纸,免得蛋糕粘在模子上。 line [sth] vtr (be lining)衬在…里面;做…的衬里The paper lined the sides of the box. 动词短语line up vtr phrasal sep (arrange in a row)使排成一排The teacher lined up all her students before taking them out to recess.老师将所有学生排成一排后,带去外面放松。line [sth] up, line up [sth] and [sth] vtr phrasal sep (align)对齐;使...成一条直线Please line up the pictures on the wall so they are all straight.请将墙上的照片对齐,呈一条直线。line up vi phrasal (be aligned)对齐Tomorrow, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars will line up in the evening sky.明天,木星、土星和火星将在夜空中排成一线。line up with [sth] vi phrasal + prep (be aligned with [sth])与…对齐;与…成一条直线The two holes did not line up with each other, so I could not insert the bolt.这两个孔没有对齐,所以我无法插入插销。line up vi phrasal (form a queue)排成一排People lined up in front of the box office to buy tickets for the show.人们在售票处前排队买演出票。line [sth] up vtr phrasal sep figurative (schedule, arrange) (比喻)排队等候I've lined up a lot of activities for us this week.这周,我为我们安排了很多活动。复合形式: A-line adj (garment: wider at hem) (衣服)呈 A 字型的 above-the-line adj figurative (of current expenses)线上项目的,经常预算的 above-the-line adj figurative (advertising: in mass media) (广告业:大众传媒)线上的 above the line expr figurative (of current expenses)线上项目,经常预算 above the line expr figurative (advertising: in mass media) (广告业:大众传媒)线上 analog line (US), analogue line (UK) n (cable: non-digital data)模拟线路This computer has a modem, allowing it to send data over an analog line. assembly line n (factory system, production line) (工厂产品的)生产线,流水线,装配线,组装线He had worked on the assembly line all his life. assembly line production n (cycle of manufacturing)流水线生产;装配线生产 back line, backline n (sport: defensive players)后卫线The back line stopped the other team from scoring. back line, backline n (sport: line on field)后场线The ball crossed the back line before the player could reach it. backline n (equipment: amplification)乐队演出所需要的各种设备The backline was at the back of the stage, ready for the musicians. bar line n (music notation: mark of a measure)小节线Bar lines separate the measures in a piece of music. baseline, base line n (standard, guideline)基准线These sales figures will be used as the baseline for the company's success in future years.这些销售数据将作为公司未来几年成功的基准。 baseline, base line n (baseball: line between bases) (棒球)垒线 baseline, base line n (tennis court marking) (网球)底线The player serves from just behind the baseline.球员在底线后发球。 baseline, base-line n as adj (standard)基础的;基准的The machine monitors any deviation from the patient's baseline heart rate.仪器会监测病人基准心率外的所有偏差值。 battle line (warfare)战线 below the line expr (finance: capital expenditure) (金融:资本支出)线下 below-the-line adj (finance: capital expenditures) (金融)线下账目的 belt line n (transportation system)环形线 belt line n (boundary dividing car body) (汽车)腰线 belt line n (waist line)腰线;腰带线 bikini line n informal (area around woman's crotch)比基尼线 borderline, border line n (line marking a boundary)边界线;分界线They crossed the borderline into Canada around sunset. borderline, border line n figurative (line dividing two things)分界线The borderline between optimism and idealism is a hard one to draw. the bottom line n figurative, informal (crucial fact)关键情况,重要因素The bottom line is you cannot be late for work anymore.最重要的是,你上班不能再迟到了。 bottom line n figurative, informal (business: profit, loss)盈亏一览结算线;盈亏底线Subtract a company's expenses from its revenue to find its bottom line.用收入减去支出来确定公司的盈亏底线。 bottom-line n as adj (business: of profit, loss)账本底线;盈亏一览结算线We will go bankrupt if we have another year with these bottom-line results. boundary line n (border)界限The boundary line between Delaware and Pennsylvania is an arc 12 miles from the Newcastle County Courthouse. boundary line n (line that indicates a border)界线My sister and I used tape on the floor to mark the boundary line between her side and my side of the room we shared. branch line (rail line)支线;铁路支线 bread line n (queue for free food)等待分配救济的队伍 breadline, bread line n (queue for charity handouts)等待救济食物的队伍Dozens of hungry people, many of them homeless, were waiting in the breadline. bring [sth/sb] into line with [sth], bring [sth/sb] in line with [sth] v expr (make [sth] correspond, conform)让...一致;让...协调 broken line n (series of line segments)虚线;点线 broken line n (highway marking) (高速)虚线缓冲区 bus line n (company that runs buses)公交车公司The bus line operates 15 buses and employs 18 drivers. bus line (US), bus route (UK) n (itinerary of a city bus)公交车路线This bus line goes past the hospital and the railway station.The bus route was changed due to road construction. byline, by-line n (journalism: line with author's name) (新闻报道)署名行The news site has spelt this journalist's name wrong in the byline.这家新闻网站在署名行上拼错了记者的名字。 byline [sth], by-line [sth] vtr (article: attribute) (文章)署名行 centerline, center line (US), centreline, centre line (UK) n (line bisecting a plane figure)中心线 centerline, center line (US), centreline, centre line (UK) n (line painted down the middle of a road) (道路)中线;中心线 centerline, center line (US), centreline, centre line (UK) n (bisector between radio transmitters) (无线电发送器)中心线 chat-up line n UK, informal ([sth] said to seduce)搭讪的话;挑逗的话The boy tried to gain the girl's attention with his chat-up lines. clothesline, clothes line n (cord for hanging laundry to dry)晾衣绳;晒衣绳Rav pegged his shirts out on the clothesline.拉夫把他的衬衫夹在晾衣绳上。 color line (US), colour line (UK), color bar (US), colour bar (UK) n (separation by skin color)种族界限;种族分界线 contour line n (line on map: indicates elevation)等高线 credit line n (text showing source of material)来源附注;资料来源注解 credit line n (finance: maximum amount of credit) (金融)授信额度 crisis line n (emergency telephone helpline)紧急情况热线When Nelly first had thoughts of suicide, she called the crisis line. cross the line v expr figurative (go beyond limit of tolerance)越线;做得太过分 curved line n (linear mark that bends)弧线 curved line n figurative (course, direction that bends)曲线;弯曲线 cut in line (US), jump the queue (UK) v expr informal (go in front of others waiting)插队I get annoyed when people cut in line in front of me. dashed line n (text: line of dashes)短划线;虚线 dateline n (news: line telling date and place of origin)新闻电讯注明日期地点的一行 dateline n (international date line)国际日期变更线 direct line n (immediate access by phone)直达路线;直线电话The vice president has a direct line to the president. dividing line n figurative (distinction)分界线The dividing line between genius and madness is thin indeed. dotted line n (line of dots on a document)(尤指文件上指示签名处的)点线;虚线 down the line, further down the line expr figurative, informal (in the future) (非正式用语)今后,以后 down the line expr (to the next person or people)接下来的人;后继者;后来人 draw a line in the sand v expr figurative (set an acceptable limit, boundary)划定界限;划清界限 draw the line v expr figurative, informal (set a limit or restriction)设定底线If we allow some people to do this, then where do we draw the line? draw the line at [sth], draw the line at doing [sth] v expr figurative, informal (set a limit or restriction)划界限;拒绝做I went out for a few beers, but I drew the line at doing shots. drop [sb] a line, drop a line to [sb] v expr informal (send a message) (非正式用语)写信给某人;给...发消息I should drop a line to my brother because I haven't written him in a long time. end line n (American football: field marking) (橄榄球)底线The end line is located at the back of each end zone. fall for [sth] hook, line and sinker v expr figurative, informal (be duped)彻底上当;完全受骗;被骗得团团转She's so gullible, she fell for his story hook, line, and sinker. fall in line, fall into line, get into line, get in line v expr (people: line up)排队;排成一排 fall in line, fall into line, get in line v expr figurative (person: conform to rule, authority)遵守;遵循 fall in line with [sth/sb], fall into line with [sth/sb], get in line with [sth/sb] v expr figurative (person: conform to)与...保持一致;遵守;遵循 fall in line with [sth] v expr figurative (idea, etc.: fit, comply) (想法)与...一致This philosopher's theories fell in line with the moralistic views of his time. fall line n (place rivers descend)瀑布线 fall line n (skiing path)下滑线;直滑线 fault line n (geology: crack in the earth) (地理)断层线,断裂线,裂纹线Built on a fault line, the city of Ephesus was destroyed by earthquakes. fine line between [sth] and [sth], a fine line between [sth] and [sth] n figurative (little distinction)微小的差别There's a fine line between genius and insanity.天才和疯子间只有一线之隔。 finish line, finishing line n (race: end point)终点线;终点Only twelve runners crossed the finishing line. firebreak, fire line n US (prevents spread of fire)防火道;防火圈 firing line n (military: positions for firing) (军事)射击线,作战最前线The soldier stepped up to the firing line, took aim and fired. firing line n figurative (most vulnerable positions)第一线,易受攻击的位置When things went wrong, Fred's secretary was always in the firing line. first-line n as adj UK (used as a first resort)首要方法;首要渠道 fishing line n (cord used to catch fish)钓鱼线;鱼丝The bass was so huge it broke my fishing line and got away. form into line v expr (military: line up) (军队)站好队,站成直线 foul line, free throw line n (on basketball court) (篮球)罚球线,犯规线The crowd fell silent as the player stepped up to the foul line. foul line n (on baseball field) (棒球)边线,边界 front line, frontline n (battlefront in a war) (战争)前线The soldiers' legs trembled when they heard they would be sent to the front line.For many years, female soldiers were not allowed on the front lines. front line, frontline n figurative (forefront of a field of endeavor) (比喻)最前端,第一线,前沿The researchers at this university are on the frontline of medical research. front-line, frontline n as adj (at the battlefront) (军事)前线 front-line, frontline n as adj figurative (leading)最重要的位置;第一线;前沿 get in line, get into line v expr (join a queue)排队等候We all got in line for the roller-coaster. get in line v expr figurative (wait your turn)排队等待;去排队You want to take your revenge on him? You'll have to get in line! go online, go on-line vi + adv (connect to internet)上网;联机 goal line n (sport: front boundary of a goal)球门线The referee stood close to the goal line. hard line n (staunch position)强硬的态度 hardline, hard-line n as adj (staunch, uncompromising)强硬的;不妥协的 helpline, help-line n (phone service offering support)服务热线;求助热线If you are unsatisfied with this product, please call our helpline, open 24 hours a day. hipline n (measurement at widest part of hips)臀围 hold the line v expr (on phone: wait)稍候;不要挂断Please hold the line while we try to connect you. hold the line v expr figurative (keep things as they are)保持现状 hook, line and sinker expr figurative, informal (completely)完全地;毫无保留地"Did your mother fall for your excuse?" "Yes! Hook, line and sinker!" horizontal line n (line: across)地平线He drew a horizontal line from left to right across the paper.hotline, hot line, hot-line n (direct phone connection)热线电话The company runs a free hotline for customers to call at any time, day or night.hotline, hot line, hot-line n (phone service: personal problems)服务专线My neighbor answers calls on a suicide hotline.hotline, hot line, hot-line n (between government heads)热线The president got on the hotline to Moscow to discuss several emergency measures.IDL n initialism (International Date Line)国际日期变更线in a direct line adv (straight)笔直地in a straight line adv (directly)成直线地;直接地I walked home in a straight line, avoiding all the pubs I usually stop line adv figurative (under control)控制住,有秩序备注: A hyphen or single-word form is used when the term is a noun or a modifier.It's hard work keeping a class of 5-year olds in line.The team members were unruly, but the new coach soon got them in line.管教5岁孩子班很困难。//团队成员不守规矩,但新教练很快就把他们制服了。inline, in-line adj (skates) (溜冰鞋)直排的Inline roller skates are good for skating outdoors.直排轮滑适合在户外滑冰。in line with [sth] expr figurative (corresponding to)与…一致;与…相符合Our operating procedures are in line with state requirements.Make sure the system is set up in line with safety in line for [sth] v expr (be expected or entitled to get)是…继承人;是…的继任者Carrie is in line for the job, since she has worked here longer than anyone else in the team.卡丽有资格获得这份工作,因为她在这里工作的时间比团队里任何人都要长。be in line to do [sth] v expr (be expected to do)接下来将;继承Prince William is in line to succeed his father to the throne.威廉王子是其父王位的顺位继承人。in the line of duty expr (while doing a job)在执行公务时,在执勤时The fireman was injured in the line of duty.inline skate, in-line skate n usually plural (rollerskate: wheels in single line)直排溜冰,直排轮滑inline skating, in-line skating n (rollerskating: wheels in single line)直排轮;轮滑International Date Line, Date Line n (divides dates)国际日期变更线keep [sb/sth] in line v expr (control, make conform)管控;管束keep [sth] in line with [sth] v expr (make conform)使...遵守;让...与...相符key line n (printing: explanatory line)注释;解释keyline n (graphic design: border)边界线landline, land line n (wire-connected phone line)座机;固定电话If I don't answer my mobile, call my landline.lay it on the line v expr figurative, informal (speak frankly)坦白地说;开门见山The CEO laid it on the line: "The business needs to reform or it will face dire consequences."lead, lead line, US also: lead rope n (horse: rope for leading) (马)缰绳The rider attached the lead to the horse's halter.骑手将缰绳系在马的笼头上。lead line (nautical) (航海)测深索ledger line, leger line n (music: line above or below staff) (五线谱上方或下方的线)加线,附加线lifeline n (rope used in sea rescues) (本义)救生索The ship's captain threw a lifeline to the passenger who had fallen overboard.lifeline n figurative (means or source of support) (比喻)生命线,命脉This road is the town's lifeline and must be kept open despite the line n (palmistry: line on hand) (看手相用语)生命线The life line is the most important line on your hand.line break n (printing: end of a line)换行line cook n (chef: prepares ingredients)流水线厨师;厨工line cut (printing) (印刷)线版line dance n (type of dance)排舞;行列舞line drawing n (unshaded drawing done with linear marks)素描Now that you've mastered line drawing you need to start using shade.When doing a painting it's a good idea to do a quick line drawing first.line drive n (baseball hit) (棒球击球)平直球line graph n (chart with x and y axes)线图,线形图line item (bookkeeping) (记账)排列项line judge n (sports: assistant umpire or referee)司线员line management n (business: managers)直线经理line manager n (immediate supervisor)部门经理;顶头上司Chris will be your line manager on this project.line of business n (profession, trade: field)行业In his line of business it is customary to pay in cash only.The company is going to eliminate the two lines of business that are not performing well.line of credit n (customer's maximum credit)贷款的最高限额I have a thousand dollar line of credit with that store, so I will buy a new sofa today.I opened a line of credit at the bank to use in case of emergencies.line of evidence n (legal argument or reasoning)证据链条;证据线line of fire n (path of a bullet)弹道They are sending that soldier forward in the battle, where he will be in the direct line of fire.line of fire n figurative (vulnerable position)易受攻击的位置The president of the company is in the line of fire of shareholders' crticisms.line of sight n (straight line of view)视线He bent over to stay out of his pursuer's line of sight.line of succession n (order in which people succeed to vacated office)继承顺序Generally, the oldest prince is first in the line of succession for the throne.The vice-president is highest in the line of succession for the office of president.line of symmetry n (axis bisecting symmetrical image)对称轴;对称线line of thought n (train of thinking)思路line of vision n (line from eye to focal point)视线The car came from outside my line of vision and crashed into the side of our car.line of work n (profession, trade: field)职业;行业Police officers regularly have to deal with danger in their line of work.line producer n (budget manager of a movie)执行制片,执行制片人line segment (geometry) (几何)线段line [sth] up with [sth], line up [sth] with [sth] v expr (align)将…与…对齐;使…与…成一条直线When using the cutter, line your paper up with the guideline.使用裁刀时,将纸与参考线对齐。line your pockets v expr figurative, disapproving (make money) (含贬义)捞钱;赚钱line-out, lineout n (rugby: restart method)边线发球liner n colloquial (baseball hit) (棒球)平直球,直球The batter hit a liner in the second inning.lineup, line-up n (suspects: identity parade)(警察要见证人指出谁为嫌疑犯而让数人排成的)行列The store owner identified his assailant in a police lineup.lineup, line-up n (acts billed for a show) (娱乐业)(电影院﹑ 剧场等的)节目单,节目安排There is a great line-up for this year's festival, including many famous stars.lineup, line-up n (schedule of events)计划或事情的次序;项目安排The festival's lineup will be published this week.lineup, line-up n (sport: participants) (体育)参加者The fans objected to the team's lineup; it was missing the best player!lunch line n (queue for school dinner) (学校)午餐排队Maginot line n historical (French fortifications against Germany) (历史用语)马其诺防线The Fortress Schoenenbourg is the largest fortification of the Maginot Line open to the public in Alsace.Mason-Dixon Line n historical (US north-south division) (历史用语)梅森狄克森线Escaped slaves from the southern US frequently fled north over the Mason-Dixon Line in their quest for freedom.midline, mid-line n (median plane of the body)中线next in line n (person: front of queue) (队列中的)下一个,下一位The immigration officer called for the next in line to step in line n figurative (expected successor: to [sth]) (按顺序的)下一任继承者Prince Charles is next in line to the in line for [sth] n figurative (expected successor)...的接班人;...的继承人number line n (mathematics)数轴;实数直线offline, off-line adv (computing: while not connected)离线地;未连线地;脱机地I was chatting to Harry when he suddenly went offline.offline, off-line adj (computing: not connected)离线的;未连线的;脱机的When I work, I have no use for an offline computer.offline processing, off-line processing n (computing: not done on internet) (计算机)脱机处理,离线处理We have to do some off-line processing before we can publish the answer online.on the borderline, on the border line adv figurative (in between)在边界;在边缘After his wife left him he spent several months on the borderline between sanity and insanity.That's on the borderline of being offensive.on the breadline, on the bread line adv UK, figurative (in poverty)挣扎在生活线上;勉强糊口Sadly, thousands of families in this country are on the on the line v expr figurative, informal (be at risk)有危险,处于险境;岌岌可危online, on-line adv (connected to internet)在线,联网More and more people are starting to shop online.越来越多的人开始在线购物。online, on-line adj (connected to internet)在线的,联网的Sharon downloaded the album so that she wouldn't have to be online to listen to it.莎朗将专辑下载下来,这样不用在线就能收听。online, on-line adj (found on the internet)在线的You can try the online support.你可以试试在线支持。online, on-line adj UK (in operation)运营中的;在线的online banking, on-line banking, e-banking, UK: internet banking n (access to bank via internet)网上银行Online banking certainly makes bill paying much faster and cheaper than before. I don't receive paper statements any more now I've got internet bankingout of line adj figurative, informal (comment: unacceptable)令人无法接受的out of line adj figurative, informal (person: behaving unacceptably)举止不当;行为逾矩out of line adv figurative, informal (unacceptably)举止不当的;举止不合要求的parallel line n (line next to another at a constant distance)平行线When you draw two parallel lines, one never crosses the other.parting line n (dividing two halves of mold)分型线parting line n (line on molded object)分模线party line n (policy or stance of a political party)政党的路线He was suspended for failing to support the party line on immigration line n (shared telephone line)合用电话线the path of least resistance, also UK: the line of least resistance n (easiest way to move forward)最省力的途径;最容易的方法phone line n (telephone connection)电话线路The phone line is dead, so there's no dial tone.picket line n (for strike or protest) (罢工)纠察线The people in the picket line blocked all access to the factory.pickup line, pick-up line n informal ([sth] said to seduce)搭讪用语"Do you come here often?" is not a very original pickup line, to say the least.plot line n (literature, art, film)主要情节;剧情plumb line n (cord with lead bob)铅垂线poverty line, poverty level n (income level)贫困线power line n (electricity supply cable)电力线;输电线;电源线When lightning struck a nearby power line, our neighbourhood suffered a blackout for several days.Hundreds of homes were without electricity last night after a storm took down power lines.product line n (range of goods)生产线We are currently making extensive changes to our product lines.CoverGirl have expanded their product line with a new long-lasting lipstick.production line (manufacturing)生产线;流水线punchline, punch line n (tagline of a joke) (故事、笑话等中的)妙语,妙句,点睛之笔He was terrible at telling jokes because he always forgot the punchline.put [sth] on the line v expr figurative, informal (risk [sth])冒…的风险I'm putting my life on the line by doing this for you.put [sth] on the line for [sb] v expr figurative, informal (risk [sth] for [sb])为了某人冒…的风险He put everything on the line for her: his job, marriage and his reputation.queue (UK), wait in line (US), wait on line (US, regional) vi UK (wait in a line of people, vehicles)排队People were queuing outside the shop at 5 am on the day of the sale.打折日的早上5点,人们就在店外排队了。queue-jump vi UK, informal (go in front of others waiting)插队railroad line n US (railway route)铁路干线railroad line n US (railway track)铁路轨道;铁轨railroad line n US (company managing rail transportation)铁路运输公司railway line n UK (railroad route)铁路干线railway line n UK (railroad track)铁路轨道;铁轨railway line n (company managing rail transportation)铁路运输公司red line [sth] vtr (draw line through to cancel) (用红线)划去;取消red line n (ice hockey rink marking) (冰球)红线red line [sth] vtr (establish safe maximum speed)为...设置限速red line [sth/sb] vtr figurative (mark [sb/sth] for cancellation) (用红线)划去red line [sth] vtr (cause plane to be grounded)让...安全降落rhumb, rhumb line n (navigation by compass)罗盘方位线seam line n (clothing: line formed where pieces join)接缝线seam line n (sewing: guideline for stitching)模缝线service line n (tennis: boundary marking) (网球术语)发球界线The serve didn't count because the player's foot was over the service line.shoreline n (water's edge)海岸线Two turtles sunned themselves on the shoreline.shroud, shroud line n (parachute rope) (降落伞)吊伞索Shroud is sold by the spool.skyline, sky-line n (silhouette of buildings)空中轮廓线The skyline of the city was impressive at night.skyline, sky-line n (horizon)地平线;天际线A dark figure appeared on the skyline.snowline, snow line, snow-line n (lower boundary of perennial snow) (高山上有常年冰雪的最低界线)雪线stand in line v expr (queue)列队;排队The group had to stand in line to be served.starting line n (marking at beginning of a race) (赛跑)起跑线Over 1000 runners are expected at the starting line of tomorrow's marathon.static line (military) (军队跳伞)固定拉绳;固定索stay in line v expr (adhere to rules)遵守规则;守规矩storyline, story line, story-line n (fiction: plot, story) (小说)故事大纲,故事梗概,主要布局I found the storyline of “War and Peace” really difficult to follow.straight line n (long mark with no curves)直线I can't draw a straight line without using a guide.The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.subject line n (e-mail, internet forum: message heading) (电子邮件、论坛)标题行swap line, currency swap line n (exchange agreement between banks)互换额度;互换货币信贷额度tag line, tagline n (punchline, slogan)口号;广告主题句“Where's the beef?” was a famous tagline of the 1980s.take a hard line, take the hard line v expr (be staunch, uncompromising)走强硬路线;决不妥协take a hard line on [sth], take the hard line on [sth] v expr (be staunch about [sth])在…方面走强硬路线;在...问题上不妥协tan line n (area of suntan next to pale skin)晒痕taw, taw line n (shooting line in a game of taw)弹射线路telephone line n (phone connection)电话线路According to the operator their telephone line has been disconnected.telephone line n (telegraph wire)电话线You can see telephone lines running for miles along the roads.the end of the line n (last stop of train or bus) (比喻)生命的尽头The conductor announced the end of the line so we got off the train.After the bus reaches the end of the line, you'll have to walk a little bit.the end of the line n figurative (point [sth] ceases to exist) (比喻)生命的尽头Jim's patience finally reached the end of the line.timeline, time-line, time line n literal (line showing order of events)时间轴This timeline of the Tudor period starts in 1485.都铎王朝从1485年开始。timeline, time-line, time line n figurative (sequence of actions)活动时间表;大事年表;要事年表Police sought to clarify the timeline of events leading to the robbery.警方想要厘清抢劫发生前的时间线。toe the line v expr figurative (conform)循规蹈矩;遵守规则The boss told the new employee that he would do well as long as he toed the line, top-line adj (high quality)一流的;高质量的top line n informal (revenue, sales) (非正式用语)收入;销售额top of the line, top-of-the-line adj (of the best quality)一流的,上等的;最佳的,最优的备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the nounThese boots are expensive because they're top of the line.township line n (boundary)城镇划分线The streets beyond the township line are in poor condition.tramline n (streetcar system)有轨电车tramline n mainly UK, often plural (streetcar route, track)有轨电车线tramline n figurative (rigid course of action)既定规则The current management just seem to stick to tramlines rather than finding innovative solutions.tramlines npl (part of tennis court) (网球、羽毛球)边线transmission line n (power cable)输电线;电力传输线;传输线trawl, trawl line n (long fishing line) (钓鱼用的)排钩绳The boys helped their fathers by attaching hooks to the trawls.tree line n (natural boundary of tree-growing area)林木线;树木线;森林界线We climbed all day until we were well above the tree line.We saw an eagle flying just above the tree line.trolley line n (tram or cable-car route)电车线路The city of San Francisco has many trolley lines.walk the line v expr figurative (be in a precarious position)岌岌可危;风雨摇摆walk the line v expr (behave in a moral or socially acceptable manner)谨守礼法;遵守规范washing line n (cord for hanging laundry to dry)晾衣绳waterline, water line n (level of water)水线;吃水线;水位线They found sea urchins in the tide pools, just below the waterline.waterline, water line n (ship: line on hull)吃水线waterline, water line n Chiefly US (pipe carrying water)水管watermark, water mark, water line n (mark of water level)水位标记The flood had left a watermark on the wall.worldline (US), world-line, world line (UK) n (physics: particle path) (物理学)世界线备注: 粒子在四维时空中的运动轨迹zip-line, zip line, zip wire n (rope slide)高空滑索I've always wanted to ride a zip-line high up in the trees.




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