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词汇 lapse
释义 lapseUK:*/ˈlæps/US:/læps/ ,(laps)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 lapse n (moral failure)过失;过错Tom's behavior showed a major lapse in judgment.汤姆的行为在判断方面大有过失。 lapse n (memory failure)误记;记错;空白;记不起来Karen had a lapse in her memory of last year; she couldn't seem to remember her old phone number.卡伦记不起来去年的事,不记得自己的旧手机号了。 lapse n (loss of concentration)走神;心不在焉Alex had a lapse of concentration during his test and didn't finish it.阿列克斯在考试时走神,没有答完题。 lapse vi (expire)失效Britney's club membership lapsed at the end of the year.布里特妮的俱乐部会员年底失效了。 lapse into [sth] vi + prep (fall: into bad behaviour) (恶习等)陷入,堕入Peter lapsed back into his addiction.彼得又重新陷入毒瘾。 其他翻译 lapse n (time passing) (时间)消逝,流逝Ben had a major lapse in coverage and the insurance company wouldn't cover him for his illness. lapse n (drop in standards)一时之失;无心之失When he failed to finish his work by the end of the day, it was a temporary lapse, but it still cost him his job. lapse vi (decline gradually)减弱;衰弱It was only as he tried to remember her name that he realized how much his memory had lapsed over the years. lapse vi (leave behind)背离;背弃;放弃Brian lapsed in his religious faith when he moved out of his parents' house. lapse into [sth] vi + prep (stray or digress)偏离原来的状态逐渐陷入 lapse into [sth] vi + prep (fall: into silence) (沉默)陷入The conversation lapsed into silence. lapse into [sth] vi + prep (fall: into unconsciousness) (某种状态)进入,陷入Tom lapsed into unconsciousness when he reached the hospital. 复合形式: lapse in concentration n (moment of inattention)一时走神I had a lapse in concentration on my way here and missed the turning. time-lapse adj (photography: shot over time) (摄影)时移的 time-lapse photography n (sequence of still photos taken at intervals)微速定时摄影Photographers can use time-lapse photography to film the growth of plants.




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